Operating Instructions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Operating Instructions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anne call her messages from God?
(a) Operating instructions
(b) Miracles
(c) Spiritual guidebook
(d) Divine intervention

2. When does Anne have a birthday celebration for Sam?
(a) When he is one month old
(b) When he is three weeks old
(c) When he is one year old
(d) When he is six months old

3. What event causes little Sam some emotional and physical distress?
(a) An ear infection
(b) Getting a bath
(c) Breathing treatments
(d) Circumcision

4. When an associate pastor from her church comes to help, what does he do to help Anne?
(a) Loads the dishwasher
(b) Does the laundry
(c) Changes the oil in the car
(d) Cleans the bathroom

5. What frightens Anne during a drive to the grocery store one day?
(a) Anne sees an accident occur ahead of her
(b) Sam is asleep and won't wake up
(c) Anne narrowly misses hitting a pedestrian
(d) The brakes on her car fail

6. What are the party-goers impressed by?
(a) The champagne
(b) Anne's mothering abilities
(c) The band
(d) The food

7. How did Anne spend the final months of her father's life?
(a) Traveling
(b) Working
(c) Out of the country
(d) Drunk or high

8. In an strange way, Anne is happy to be single so that she does not have what?
(a) The stress of keeping a husband happy
(b) Share decisions with someone else
(c) To keep the house clean
(d) Someone else messing up the house

9. What happens when Anne reads a story about the death of a small child?
(a) She will not let anyone else hold Sam
(b) She will not take Sam outside
(c) She thinks something terrible is going to happen to Sam
(d) She inspects all of Sam's food

10. How does Anne feel most of the time?
(a) Scared
(b) Euphoric
(c) Tired
(d) Guilty

11. Sam's father wanted Anne to __________________________.
(a) Terminate the pregnancy
(b) Have the baby
(c) Marry him
(d) Move in with him

12. What does Anne call her photo composition of a sonogram, Polaroid picture and crucifix?
(a) Gallery content
(b) Family portrait
(c) Inspirational collage
(d) Self portrait

13. What fear begins to emerge for Anne where Sam is concerned?
(a) Anne is afraid of losing her job
(b) Anne is afraid of passing on bad genes
(c) Anne is afraid of California earthquakes
(d) Anne fears the world that Sam is destined to grow up in

14. In addition to Pammy, who serves as a labor coach for Anne
(a) Her friend, Alice
(b) Her mother
(c) Her neighbor
(d) Her brother, Steve

15. Who is Brian?
(a) Anne's editor
(b) Anne's butcher
(c) Anne's mechanic
(d) Anne's friend who becomes Sam's Big Brother

Short Answer Questions

1. In what month are the diary entries written for Part 4?

2. Where do Anne and Sam sleep?

3. As an adult, how did Anne deal with her childhood issues?

4. The diary entries in Part 2 encompass ___________________________ of Sam's life.

5. What does Anne show Sam in a store window?

(see the answer keys)

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