One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Stephanie get Clarence Sampson to go with her to the Trenton Police Department?

2. Who nearly has a coronary upon seeing what Grandma Mazur pulls from Stephanie's purse?

3. What is Mooch's relationship to Joe Morelli?

4. Who does Stephanie call instead of the police, the fire department, or her parents to assist her in freeing herself from the way Joe Morelli leaves her after searching her apartment?

5. Where does Stephanie go to have dinner at the beginning of Chapter 4?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Stephanie's family.

2. When Ranger joins Stephanie in Chapter 5 to search Morelli's apartment, how does he fit or not fit the image Stephanie has of him as a bounty hunter?

3. Describe Ranger.

4. Is Jimmy Alpha reliable in Chapter 7 when he promises to keep Ramirez away from Stephanie?

5. What factors make Stephanie ill-suited for bounty hunting?

6. What does the vandalism of Stephanie's Nova on Stark Street symbolize?

7. Do you think Stephanie's prowess as a bounty hunter has improved by the end of Chapter 5?

8. What factors make Ranger better suited for bounty hunting than Stephanie?

9. Is it realistic for Stephanie to think she can visit Stark Street and avoid Ramirez?

10. Why doesn't Stephanie consider Bernie Kuntz as ideal for her as her mother does?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Although primarily a mystery, One for the Money contains some humorous scenes and characters. Cite 3 examples of humor in the book and discuss the techniques the author uses to establish the comedic tone.

Essay Topic 2

One for the Money blends elements of mystery, comedy, and romance. It also borrows some elements from Gothic novels. Discuss the mixture of genres in the book and cite examples from the text to show the influence of each genre on the elements of the story. Explain how the story might change if you removed the comedy and the romance subplot.

Essay Topic 3

Cars and Stephanie's lack of one, or trouble with one, is a continuing motif throughout One for the Money.

Part 1) Discuss the meaning of the Miata, the Nova, and the Jeep Cherokee as well as the significance of Stephanie's lack of a car when she is apprehending William Earling.

Part 2) Indicate whether you believe the vehicles and the incident of Stephanie lacking a vehicle each symbolizes the same thing or if they each symbolize something different.

Part 3)Discuss what function these symbols serve in the story.

(see the answer keys)

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