On Golden Pond Test | Final Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Golden Pond Test | Final Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what language is Norman helping Billy?

2. What does Norman mention to Ethel at the opening of this scene?

3. What was Norman's overall impression of Bill?

4. Who catches Ethel singing?

5. About what does Norman try to talk?

Short Essay Questions

1. One of the statements Bill makes to Norman about Norman's teasing suggests that Chelsea has already prejudiced Bill towards Norman. Describe the scene and say if you think it was fair or wise of Chelsea to "warn" Bill.

2. What regret does Norman express and what may that regret foreshadow?

3. What does this opening scene suggest about the relationship between Norman and Billy?

4. The fact that Ethel twice suggests that Chelsea make amends with her father because he is old and will not live much longer seems to clearly be foreshadowing something. What do you think it foreshadows?

5. The opening conversation in this scene brings up an idea already discussed in the previous scene. What does the conversation concern?

6. Describe Bill's appearance and Billy and Norman returning from downstairs and how does this give readers a sense who Bill is?

7. Describe the interaction between Norman and Bill after the others have gone outside.

8. Describe the opening scene in Act 2, Scene 1.

9. Referring back to your answer in question #25, venture a guess as to why Chelsea's boyfriends were timid around Norman.

10. How does the way Ethel behaves in helping Norman and Billy get off to the lake demonstrate an aspect of her personality?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In the opening to Act 1, Scene 3, Norman comments to Ethel that Chelsea is now past her childbearing years and never had a child. Choose one of the following to write a coherent essay with detailed examples:

1). For many centuries, women were considered property, or at the very least, someone to produce a male heir for the family line. Write an essay briefing describing the change in status of women in your home country over the past three centuries.

2). Is woman's most important function that of producing children? Write an essay about how women who have chosen to remain childless are viewed in your culture; give specific examples. Give your personal opinion also.

3). Along with the idea of childbearing is the controversy of the right to choose an abortion. Write an essay taking a stance using detailed examples to support your stance.

Essay Topic 2

When Ethel pulls her doll, Elmer, out of the fireplace, Norman suggests that Elmer might have been attempting suicide when he fell into the fireplace and that he might try that some day himself. Choose one of the following topics and write a cohesive essay with detailed examples.

1). Compare and contrast Norman and Ethel and their attitudes towards death and suicide. Include how you think each of them might commit suicide given their different personalities.

2). Write an essay about the topic of assisted suicide. Include your opinion of it and who you think should be able to take such an action.

Essay Topic 3

One of the very first things the reader becomes aware of is that a probable theme of this play is the idea of aging and its inherent problems. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1.) Who is most obviously failing, probably as a result of age?

2.) What is the main problem Norman is having at the opening of the play?

3.) How common is memory problems among people in their late 70s and older?

4.) Are there ways to combat memory problems? What are they?

(see the answer keys)

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