On Golden Pond Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Golden Pond Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the bedrooms in this house?

2. What happened to Chelsea's husband?

3. What reason does Norman suggest for Elmer falling into the fireplace?

4. For what job does Norman contemplate applying?

5. Who has visited Charlie recently?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the elderly couple in the play and where are they arriving at the opening of the play?

2. Describe the setting at the opening of this scene.

3. What does Charlie say about Chelsea and children and what does this possibly reveal about Charlie as a person?

4. Give a brief description of the setting at the opening of the play.

5. Who is Charlie and what is a little about his life and/or history?

6. What does Charlie suggest about the broken screen door; what is Ethel's reply and why do you think she responds the way she does?

7. Another bit of conversation at the end of this scene is indicative of a recurrent theme of this play. Describe the conversation and briefly say what the theme is you think it is bringing up.

8. Who visits Norman and Ethel and what do they leave there?

9. Describe Ethel and a little about her.

10. What makes the reader think that Charlie still feels some interest in Chelsea?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The last scene in the play is one that is bittersweet in that it is obvious that Norman will die in the not-too-distant future, and yet at the same time, the fact that he finally overcomes his inhibitions and dances with Ethel is a thing of hope--hope that an "old geezer" like Norman can change. Choose one of the following questions and write a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1). Discuss the theme of death that runs throughout the play, using specific examples.

2). Discuss the theme of redemption for at least two of the main characters; be sure to include specific examples.

3). Discuss the theme of romance and how it can be demonstrated as shown throughout the play.

Essay Topic 2

One of the very first things the reader becomes aware of is that a probable theme of this play is the idea of aging and its inherent problems. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1.) Who is most obviously failing, probably as a result of age?

2.) What is the main problem Norman is having at the opening of the play?

3.) How common is memory problems among people in their late 70s and older?

4.) Are there ways to combat memory problems? What are they?

Essay Topic 3

Though Ethel and Norman have been married for many years, it is obvious from the very opening of the play that they are quite different. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1). Compare and contrast Ethel and Norman's personalities. Give supporting details from the entire play.

2). Do you believe that a marriage is better if the two people are similar or opposites? Explain your reasoning.

3). If you were to meet Ethel and Norman, with whom would you feel the most affinity? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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