Olive's Ocean Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Henkes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Olive's Ocean Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Henkes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the new character Martha introduces into her book about Olive in Chapter 34?
(a) Chad.
(b) Paul.
(c) James.
(d) Evan.

2. What task does Martha have when she stays behind at Godbee's house?
(a) Watching Lucy.
(b) Dusting.
(c) Washing dishes.
(d) Cooking lunch.

3. Where did Godbee get the idea to fill the baby food jars?
(a) In a TV program.
(b) In a book.
(c) In a movie.
(d) In a dream.

4. Who meets Martha and Jimmy to walk Martha home?
(a) Dennis.
(b) Vince.
(c) Alice.
(d) Godbee.

5. What does Martha realize as she paints on the sidewalk?
(a) No one will ever remember Olive.
(b) She was silly to bring the water from the ocean.
(c) She will take another stab at writing the book about Olive.
(d) She would be Olive's friend if given the opportunity.

6. What does Godbee say about the colored water in the jars?
(a) She needs bigger jars to get a better display.
(b) She is going to make some to give away to friends.
(c) She's going to make some for each window.
(d) It's not as pretty as she had hoped.

7. Why is Martha especially sad to leave Godbee this time?
(a) She knows she won't be back next Summer.
(b) She didn't get to spend enough time with her.
(c) She is afraid Godbee will die.
(d) She sees Godbee crying.

8. Martha re-reads Olive's journal page, focusing on the statement about wanting to go to ____________________.
(a) the mountains.
(b) a theme park.
(c) a real ocean.
(d) the moon.

9. Which of the jars of colored water does Lucy like best?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Green.

10. What is Martha going to do with the jar of ocean water she collects?
(a) Pour it on Jimmy's video tape.
(b) Use it for a science experiment.
(c) Put it on a shelf in her room.
(d) Give it to Olive's mother.

11. What happens to Martha as she waits for Jimmy and a girl to pass by on the beach?
(a) Her swim suit top falls off.
(b) She trips and falls in the sand.
(c) She slips in the water.
(d) A seagull lands on her head.

12. How does Martha attempt to hide her embarrassment of the filmed kiss?
(a) She wears big sunglasses all the time.
(b) She acts extra cheerful.
(c) She just reads a book in the apple tree.
(d) She stays in her room all day.

13. What does the P.S. on the note inside the bag in #170 say?
(a) See you next Summer.
(b) Your secret is safe with me.
(c) Thanks for everything.
(d) I was the one who really liked you.

14. What does Godbee tell Martha she does when she is feeling sad?
(a) She drives down the coast.
(b) She listens to music.
(c) She reads the Bible.
(d) She thinks of someone in a worse situation.

15. What do Martha and Jimmy build on the beach?
(a) A sand dinosaur.
(b) A sand castle.
(c) A sand octopus.
(d) A sand rocket.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Martha decide to give up on the story about Olive?

2. What game does Vince want to play with Martha and Godbee in Chapter 47?

3. Who is waiting on Godbee's porch when the family returns from dinner?

4. Where does Jimmy kiss Martha?

5. What does Martha write on the sidewalk in front of Olive's old house, using a paintbrush and the ocean water?

(see the answer keys)

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