The Old Man and the Sea Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Man and the Sea Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Detailed Summary & Analysis.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Santiago plan to be out to sea?
(a) Before it is light.
(b) By noon.
(c) Right after daybreak.
(d) All night.

2. What commonality does Santiago observe in deep water fish when they pick up speed?
(a) They are always hungry.
(b) They all look green in the water.
(c) They have purple stripes or spots.
(d) They turn yellow when they are angry or frightened.

3. What shows up that the old man thinks of as a friend to talk to?a
(a) An albacore.
(b) A sea turtle.
(c) A warbler.
(d) A flying fish.

4. What simile does Hemingway use to describe the island of Sargasso seaweed Santiago's boat passes?
(a) A yellow oil slick on the water.
(b) People making love under a yellow blanket.
(c) Yellow fish swimming just below the surface.
(d) Yellow sheets hanging on a line in the sun.

5. What does Santiago mean when he thinks that man is not made for defeat?
(a) Man can be destroyed but not defeated.
(b) Man will always win over animals.
(c) Man cannot lose a battle.
(d) Man can only be defeated if he loses his mind.

Short Answer Questions

1. Santiago is pinned down and the line is rushing out around his back and through his hand, cutting them. What makes him think about the boy?

2. What does the marlin do as the sun rises on the third day?

3. Speaking out loud, what does Santiago say to the big fish on his line?

4. During the time Santiago had the marlin on his line, what does he think the marlin does not know?

5. What happens by midnight as Santiago returns to the land?

(see the answer key)

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