Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the young man behind the wheel of the truck die from when his truck struck the six-year-old English boy?
(a) Aggressive foot fungus.
(b) Aneurysm.
(c) Stroke.
(d) Heart attack.

2. What were the clergy of the Church of the Whispering Comet convicted of?
(a) Stealing from charitable organiztions.
(b) Production and distribution of ecstasy.
(c) Child pornography.
(d) Smuggling illegal aliens.

3. What does Rafus Carter say he believes to be true about the person that shot the chief?
(a) It was a group of people.
(b) It was someone the chief knew.
(c) They have already left the country.
(d) They are cold blooded killers.

4. What does Mr. Takuda say that Odd would poison his life with if he put into it?
(a) Academia or drug dealing.
(b) Anything greater than what he can learn to let go of at the end of the day.
(c) Business school or other academia.
(d) Drugs or mathmatics.

5. What does Odd realize after looking at Robertson's body more closely?
(a) Robertson has only been dead an hour or two.
(b) Robertson needed a bath.
(c) Robertson has been dead most of the day.
(d) Robertson was wearing a disguise.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was the chief shot?

2. Why is it that Odd doesn't want to go into the Green Moon Lanes?

3. What does Shamus say that the card says?

4. Who does Odd go to see in Chapter 51?

5. What does Odd say is one reason that his grandmother didn't intervene on his behalf when he was little?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Odd goes back to Robertson's house looking for a clue as to who is Robertson's partner?

2. Explain what Odd decides to do after he finds Robertson's body in his bathroom.

3. What does Karla say happened before the chief was shot?

4. Describe the scene when Odd goes to see his father.

5. What conversation does Odd and Stormy have in Chapter 45?

6. Describe the scene in Chapter 29 where Stormy tells Odd that she is ready for him.

7. What does Odd find in Robertson's freezer?

8. Why does Odd explain that he doesn't gamble?

9. What does Odd find at the abandoned church when he goes there to hide Robertson's body?

10. What do Stormy and Odd talk about in Chapter 27 when she tells Odd she is in a hurry to get married?

(see the answer keys)

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