Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Odd say is afraid to move on?
(a) Children.
(b) Murderers.
(c) Athiest.
(d) Suicides.

2. What does Shamus say that the card says?
(a) Lies of our father.
(b) Father of flies.
(c) Father of lies.
(d) Paul is dead.

3. What does Odd see that Granny Sugars had always said was an omen of bad cards in poker?
(a) An early fog.
(b) A red moon.
(c) A starless night.
(d) A yellow moon.

4. What does Odd see in the room when he goes to check on Viola's daughters?
(a) Five bodachs.
(b) The girls have vanished.
(c) The girls are thrashing in their sleep having bad dreams.
(d) Nothing but the girls sleeping.

5. What does Odd say is one reason that his grandmother didn't intervene on his behalf when he was little?
(a) His grandmother feared his mother.
(b) Odd's father wouldn't have allowed it.
(c) Granny Sugars was in poor health.
(d) His mother lived too far away.

6. Where does Odd drive to after leaving his mothers?
(a) To check in on the chief.
(b) To his grandmother's grave.
(c) To look at Robertson's body.
(d) To see stormy.

7. What climbs out of Robertson's mouth?
(a) Moose.
(b) Mouse.
(c) Roach.
(d) Tarantuala.

8. What does Odd find in his apartment when he arrives?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A dead body.
(c) A letter.
(d) A bloddy knife.

9. What does Ozzie tell Odd that people will find the truth of life in?
(a) Love.
(b) Hope.
(c) Laughter.
(d) Morbidity.

10. What does Odd find in the container in Robertson's freezer with the name Heather Johnson on it?
(a) An eye.
(b) A breast.
(c) An ear.
(d) A finger.

11. What were the clergy of the Church of the Whispering Comet convicted of?
(a) Production and distribution of ecstasy.
(b) Smuggling illegal aliens.
(c) Child pornography.
(d) Stealing from charitable organiztions.

12. Why does Odd explain is the reason that most people don't want to open their minds to the supernatural as he explains it in Chapter 24?
(a) They don't know how.
(b) Because it takes black magic.
(c) They are scared.
(d) It is blocked to their minds.

13. Why did Odd's mother point a gun at him when he was five?
(a) Because he was coughing.
(b) Because he had asked for a hug.
(c) Because she had drank too much.
(d) Because he had a fever.

14. Who does Roalia say has already been buy and talked to her in Chapter 44?
(a) Elvis.
(b) Stormy.
(c) Two policemen.
(d) Terri.

15. What is the card that Odd retrieved from Robertson identified as?
(a) A cool toy.
(b) A meditation card.
(c) A map.
(d) An instruction list.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Odd say he knows to be true although he doesn't know much about our life?

2. Who does Odd find waiting for him in the house after he hears a lamp break?

3. What did the young man behind the wheel of the truck die from when his truck struck the six-year-old English boy?

4. What does the nurse advise Odd to do with Robertson's card?

5. Where does Odd go in the beginning of Chapter 48?

(see the answer keys)

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