Odd Thomas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odd Thomas Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Odd say that Horton Barks had had dinner with twenty years earlier?
(a) Elvis.
(b) A banshee.
(c) Marilyn Monroe.
(d) Big Foot.

2. What does Odd say that Penny's hand feels like in Chapter 3?
(a) Faint.
(b) Real as a living child.
(c) Cold and distant.
(d) Tingling.

3. What does Odd see in Chapter 14 before he leaves Robertson's house?
(a) A swallow.
(b) A snake.
(c) A raven.
(d) A black cat.

4. Who does Odd go to see after leaving Robertson's house?
(a) Chief Porter.
(b) Newspaper reporter.
(c) Stormy.
(d) Terri.

5. What does Odd say his Granny Sugars called God?
(a) The man upstairs.
(b) The collector.
(c) Her only hope.
(d) That old rug merchant.

6. What does Odd say he would do for Stormy if she asked, provided she had a good reason?
(a) Starve himself to death.
(b) Jump off a cliff.
(c) Eat poison.
(d) Walk the plank.

7. Although Terri is old enough to be Odd's mother what does Odd say she is not enough of to be his mother?
(a) Cruel.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Drunk.
(d) Eccentric.

8. What does Stormy accuse Odd of having?
(a) A wierd past time.
(b) A messiah complex.
(c) A knack for sniffing out the wierdos.
(d) A superhero complex.

9. Who is sitting in the passenger seat of the car in chapter fourteen when Odd returns from Robertson's house?
(a) Robertson.
(b) Stormy.
(c) Chief of police.
(d) Elvis.

10. What does Odd say about the connection between him and Stormy?
(a) He enjoys her company.
(b) They are just friends.
(c) They are going into business together.
(d) They are soul mates.

11. What does Ozzie do each time that Odd leaves?
(a) Does a small dance.
(b) Kisses Odd on each cheek.
(c) Hugs Odd like a father.
(d) Recites Mark Twain to Odd.

12. What day does Odd say the story begins on?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Tuesday.
(c) The day after Halloween.
(d) A week before summer vacation.

13. Why does Odd suggest he had to confront Harlo right then?
(a) Odd wasn't thinking straight.
(b) He believes Harlo might have been about to kill again.
(c) Harlo had friends in high places who could have gotten him off.
(d) Penny was too angry.

14. Where does Odd learn that Robertson got his large sum of money?
(a) Divorced a ritch woman.
(b) Inheritence.
(c) Wife died with large insurance policy.
(d) No one is sure.

15. When Odd looks in Fungus Man's file cabinet in chapter thirteen, what does Odd find under the name Robert Thomas Robertson, Fungus Man's real name?
(a) A diary.
(b) A satanic catalogue.
(c) An odd poem.
(d) Calendar day Wednesday, August 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Porter tell Odd he is to say if someone asks why Odd chased Harlo?

2. How old is Odd Thomas as he describes in the beginning of Chapter 1?

3. What does Odd think is possibly the reason that Terri is so obsessed with Elvis' life?

4. In Chapter 1 what does Odd say is the altar at which most people worship?

5. What is Odd looking for when he first enters Fungus Man's home?

(see the answer keys)

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