Obasan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Obasan Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the opening chapter, what is Naomi's Uncle doing in the grass?
(a) Singing.
(b) Meditating.
(c) Reading.
(d) Sleeping.

2. What ethnicity is the officer in Naomi's dream?
(a) Australian.
(b) Japanese.
(c) Canadian.
(d) British.

3. What article of Stephen's clothing is damaged by a racist classmate?
(a) His glasses.
(b) His pants.
(c) His shoes.
(d) His shirt.

4. Which character calls Naomi's mother "Nassan"?
(a) Aunt Emily.
(b) Grandpa Kato.
(c) Naomi.
(d) Obasan.

5. Which character developed a limp during WWII?
(a) Stephen.
(b) Naomi.
(c) Father.
(d) Obasan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters does NOT return to the relocation camp after liberation?

2. When Aunt Emily is giving the speech about racism throughout the world, what reaction does Naomi have?

3. What insect swarms the house that the Nakane family is relocated to?

4. What does Naomi help Nomura-obasan use while she is living with the Nakane family?

5. Which character receives "The Book of Knowledge" as a gift?

Short Essay Questions

1. What evidence does Naomi find as an adult as to the welfare of her mother and grandmother after the war's end?

2. What happens to Grandmother Nakane's body after the funeral?

3. What does Naomi do with the frog that she finds in the swamp?

4. What is significant about the way that Naomi and her mother are staring at the camera in the photo that Naomi finds?

5. What are the Nakane family allowed to take with them during their relocation from Slocan, and how do they pack their belongings?

6. What is Naomi accused of doing with a kitten by one of her classmates?

7. After Germany surrenders in the war, what changes about life in Slocan?

8. What reaction does Naomi have to the newspaper clippings and letters that she finds of Aunt Emily's?

9. When Naomi opens the package from Aunt Emily, what do Aunt Emily's notes say?

10. How does Naomi cope with the truth of her mother's life and death?

(see the answer keys)

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