Number 9 Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Number 9 Dream Test | Final Test - Medium

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the real reason for Suga's drinking binge?
(a) He is an alcoholic.
(b) He misses Eiji.
(c) The Holy Grail quest of hacking the Pentagon computer.
(d) The yakuza are after him.

2. What kind of manager is Sachiko Sera at Nero's?
(a) An abusive manager.
(b) A demanding manager.
(c) An unkind and unfair manager.
(d) A kind and capable manager.

3. What does Suga give Eiji before he leaves for his new job?
(a) A John Lennon DVD.
(b) A gold watch.
(c) A photo of himself.
(d) His finest computer virus.

4. Who meets Eiji when he is expecting to meet his grandfather instead?
(a) His stepmother and half-sister.
(b) His mother.
(c) His grandfather's attorney.
(d) His father.

5. What was Subaru Tsukiyama's profession?
(a) He was a banker.
(b) He was a lawyer.
(c) He was a physician.
(d) He was the suicide pilot of a kaiten, or manned torpedo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ai Imajo offer to buy Eiji when they meet for breakfast in Chapter Seven?

2. In Chapter Seven, where is Suga going to take a new job?

3. Who is Mrs. Yamaya?

4. Why is Ogre not married?

5. What is Subaru Tsukiyama's relationship to Eiji?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Takara Tsukiyama, and how might he lead Eiji to Eiji's father?

2. Describe the disagreement between Ai and Eiji at the train station in Chapter Seven.

3. What is the significance of Eiji's final dream about Anju in which Anju tells him to go away so he will not drown, too?

4. Why is the Nero's delivery truck driver with whom Eiji rides in Chapter Eight alone in his life instead of married?

5. Why does Suga take a new job in Texas and what gift does he give Eiji upon departing for his new position?

6. Why does the second truck driver Eiji rides with in Chapter Eight want to commit suicide and why does he change his mind?

7. After escaping the exploding cars and the yakuza, where does Eiji wake up at the beginning of Chapter Five, and what childhood memories does the place in which he awakens rekindle?

8. Who meets Eiji at the Amadeus Tea Room instead of his grandfather on the day of his second meeting with the older man, and why does his grandfather not meet him then as planned?

9. How does Eiji's relationship with Ai Imajo change in Chapter Five?

10. Why is Eiji's grandfather disappointed in Eiji's father?

(see the answer keys)

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