Number 9 Dream Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Number 9 Dream Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Mitchell (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Eiji have to do in exchange for information on his father?
(a) Rob a bank for the yakuza.
(b) Shoot Daimon.
(c) Sell drugs for the yakuza.
(d) Sign a blood oath promising one day's loyalty to Morino.

2. Which of the following statements is not part of the fantasy Eiji tells Anju about the whalestone, a giant rock that emerges from the sea?
(a) It was a real whale the thunder god turned into stone.
(b) The stone is magical.
(c) If you swim to it, it will take you anywhere you want to go.
(d) A mermaid lives under it.

3. Why is it so important for Eiji to find the article he lost in the video arcade?
(a) It has medicine he vitally needs in it.
(b) It has an important document hidden in it.
(c) It was his last present from Anju.
(d) He keeps his money in it.

4. What does Anju learn about her mother when she accidentally overhears some local women talking in Mrs. Tanaka's store?
(a) Her mother is a drug addict.
(b) Her mother died in a car wreck.
(c) Her mother committed suicide.
(d) Her mother abandoned her and Eiji to pursue men.

5. Who gets Eiji his job by arranging an interview for him with Mrs. Sasaki?
(a) Mr. Aoyama.
(b) Buntaro.
(c) Anju.
(d) Suga.

6. Where does Eiji begin receiving messages that "Father" is watching him and will see him soon?
(a) At home in his mailbox.
(b) On his computer via email.
(c) On the ATM screen when he uses his ATM card.
(d) On his answering machine.

7. What does the letter Eiji receives from his stepmother accuse Eiji of planning to do?
(a) Go on the news to reveal his father's abandonment of him.
(b) Break up his father's legitimate family.
(c) Blackmail his father.
(d) Get his parents back together.

8. Which of the following statements does not describe Mr. Aoyama?
(a) He wears a gold stud earring in his ear.
(b) He is paranoid and thinks Eiji is a consultant spying on him.
(c) He is bald.
(d) He has a perfect Adolf Hitler mustache.

9. What happens when Eiji finally goes to Akiko Kato's office to confront her?
(a) Akiko Kato refuses to see him.
(b) Security turns him away before he gets to the elevator.
(c) Akiko Kato has him arrested.
(d) Akiko Kato no longer works in the building.

10. Who is Mr. Aoyama?
(a) Substationmaster of the Ueno Station lost-property office.
(b) Eiji's grandfather.
(c) Eiji's father.
(d) Eiji's soccer coach.

11. What does Eiji wear on his head in Chapter One?
(a) A baseball cap.
(b) A plumed hat.
(c) A golf cap.
(d) A straw hat.

12. Why does Eiji do what he does to the thunder god's statue when he is eleven?
(a) To worship the thunder god.
(b) To fulfill his initiation into a gang.
(c) To pay the god back for Anju's death.
(d) To rebel against his mother and father.

13. To where do the contents of the file folder lead Eiji?
(a) To his father's home.
(b) To his stepmother's office.
(c) To the Queen of Spades.
(d) To a pachinko parlor where Morino is waiting for him.

14. Who has kidnapped Daimon and Eiji?
(a) Ryutaro Morino.
(b) Jun Nagasaki.
(c) Konosuke Tsuru.
(d) Buntaro.

15. What person does Eiji decide to meet virtually in the video game Virtua Sapiens?
(a) His stepmother.
(b) Anju.
(c) His father.
(d) His mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Eiji find inside the file folder?

2. To what does Eiji's stepmother compare him?

3. In Chapter Three, who accuses Eiji of spying on her for Daimon?

4. Instead of confronting Akiko, how does Eiji spend most of his afternoon in Chapter One?

5. How does Ai Imajo suggest that Eiji search for his father in Tokyo?

(see the answer keys)

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