Northanger Abbey Test | Final Test - Medium

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Northanger Abbey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Eleanor that Catherine cannot join her for their walk?
(a) John Thorpe.
(b) Mrs. Allen.
(c) Isabella Thorpe.
(d) James Morland.

2. By how long do the Allens extend their stay in Bath?
(a) A fortnight.
(b) Six weeks.
(c) A week.
(d) A month.

3. When Catherine retires to her room at Northanger Abbey to consider the news from James, why does she feel obliged to immediately leave it again?
(a) Catherine was too restless.
(b) The room smelled strange.
(c) The room was too bright.
(d) The housemaids were within.

4. After Catherine reveals her suspicions of General Tilney, how is Henry's behavior towards her different at dinner?
(a) He ignores her completely.
(b) He is rude towards her.
(c) He pays her more attention than usual.
(d) He is honest about his romantic feelings.

5. On Catherine's first night at Northanger Abbey, what is the weather like?
(a) Cold and breezy.
(b) Rainy.
(c) Stormy and windy.
(d) Calm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Allen regret not being able to send with James back to Fullerton?

2. When does Catherine receive a letter from James?

3. What is Catherine told was the cause of Mrs. Tilney's death?

4. What invitation does Eleanor offer Catherine at the end of their walk?

5. After receiving her invitation to Northanger Abbey, what does Catherine hurry back to the Allens' to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Catherine describe General Tilney as 'liberal'?

2. What does Catherine make of the growing attachment between Isabella and Captain Tilney?

3. What tactic does Isabella use in order to convince Catherine to go on the trip to Clifton?

4. Why does the General not notice that Catherine is upset at breakfast?

5. Why does Catherine become troubled when Henry and Eleanor speak of Isabella's financial situation?

6. What does Catherine learn about Northanger Abbey?

7. How does Catherine feel about her brother's engagement?

8. What does General Tilney do to Catherine in Chapter 28 that is considered very rude?

9. Why was Mrs. Allen not happy at the news of James' engagement and return to Fullerton?

10. At the end of Chapter 14, what does Catherine learn of the trip to Clifton?

(see the answer keys)

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