North and South Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

North and South Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mr. Thornton hire to take over for the striking workers?
(a) Irish workers.
(b) No one.
(c) Children.
(d) Women.

2. What kind of work has Mr. Hale secured for himself in Milton?
(a) Being an artist.
(b) Working in a factory.
(c) Working as a private tutor.
(d) Running a school.

3. Where is Mrs. Hale originally from?
(a) Washington, D.C.
(b) Paris.
(c) London.
(d) Buenos Aires.

4. What happens to Margaret as a result of her throwing herself in front of Mr. Thornton?
(a) She is knocked out from a thrown rock.
(b) She seriously embarrasses herself and her family.
(c) Everyone in town starts teasing her terribly.
(d) She breaks her ankle.

5. Why does Margaret confront Dr. Donaldson after he visits her mother for the first time?
(a) Because she caught him stealing from the family.
(b) Because she suspects he is having an affair with her mother.
(c) Because she wants to know what is going on.
(d) Because she has a crush on him.

6. What does Mr. Thornton challenge the crowd to do to him?
(a) Join him in a jousting match.
(b) Imitate him.
(c) Beat him.
(d) Pick him up and throw him into the sea.

7. How does Margaret comfort Bessy when she visits her at home for the first time?
(a) She sings softly to her.
(b) She gives her illegal alcohol.
(c) She talks about religion.
(d) She reads her poetry.

8. What is the one problem with the house Mr. Hale and Margaret pick out in Milton?
(a) The ghastly wallpaper.
(b) It floods every year in the basement.
(c) It is way too expensive.
(d) It is haunted.

9. What does Margaret ask of her mother when she learns she is sick?
(a) To be written into the will.
(b) To be her nurse.
(c) To be allowed to go out more.
(d) To inherit her jewelry.

10. During his first dinner at the Hales' home, what does Mr. Thornton obsess about with Margaret?
(a) The bracelet she is wearing.
(b) The way her hair is done.
(c) Her beautiful singing voice.
(d) Her lipstick.

11. How does the narrator describe Mrs. Thornton's presence when going to dinner at the Hales'?
(a) As eager to make new friends.
(b) As drunk.
(c) As loud and obnoxious.
(d) As shy.

12. During dinner at the Hales', who does Mr. Thornton say has an easy life?
(a) Southerners.
(b) Americans.
(c) All of these answers are correct.
(d) Northerners.

13. Why does Margaret not immediately tell her father about her mother's diagnosis?
(a) He will think she is faking it.
(b) She wants to change the will first.
(c) He will not cope well with the news.
(d) He will become incredibly angry at all of them.

14. Who is Mr. Bell?
(a) A nosy neighbor.
(b) The newspaper delivery man.
(c) An old friend of Mr. Hale.
(d) The man Margaret is in love with when the novel opens.

15. What other character in "North and South" has a water bed?
(a) Bessy.
(b) Margaret.
(c) Mrs. Thornton.
(d) Dixon.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Bessy, who usually gets invitations to the Thornton's house?

2. Who is Frederick?

3. What is Mr. Thornton's first impression of Margaret?

4. Why are the men of the town threatening to go on strike?

5. In what country does "North and South" take place?

(see the answer keys)

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