No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From whom does Obi borrow money to help out with Clara's abortion?
(a) From Sam Okoli.
(b) From Clara's sister.
(c) From a moneylender.
(d) From Marie Tomlinson.

2. What is Christopher's reaction when Obi shares with him the outcomes of his talks with his parents about marrying Clara?
(a) He tells Obi there are many alternatives to a woman like Clara.
(b) He says he never liked Clara anyway.
(c) He agrees with Obi's parents saying that customs cannot be ignored.
(d) He encourages Obi to wait for time to heal the situation.

3. What foreshadows trouble for Obi when evening prayers are said on the first day of his visit home?
(a) The prayers are filled with references to the devil and Obi suspects his mother is dying.
(b) The prayers are filled with references to the devil and Obi believes something has happened to his sister.
(c) The prayers contain references to evil women and Obi believes they are cursing Clara.
(d) Obi believes references to the devil in the prayers are intended for Clara.

4. What does the parcel that arrives from the general hospital while Obi is at work contain?
(a) Clara sends him the ring asking him to return it until they can afford it.
(b) Clara sends him a £100 note and asks him never to pay her back.
(c) Clara sends him £50 and Obi does not know how to return the money without offending her.
(d) Clara sends him a monetary gift from her father.

5. How does Obi respond when his father broaches the subject of his relationship with Clara?
(a) Obi says he is worried about the relationship.
(b) Obi says he is not sure whether he should marry Clara.
(c) Obi says he wants to meet her people and start negotiations.
(d) Obi says he loves her and will marry her no matter what.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news from home necessitates Obi taking leave to visit his village?

2. Where do Clara and Obi go with Christopher and his new girlfriend, Bisi?

3. When Obi goes to visit Clara in hospital, what comments by the doctor foreshadow what will happen between Clara and Obi?

4. How does Obi eventually feel about his mother's death?

5. How does the argument between Obi and Clara end on the night before he goes home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What event illustrates the seriousness with which those who want scholarships After Mr. Mark's visit to Obi's office treat applications?

2. At the beginning of Obi's visit to his parents, how does the author communicate Obi's feelings about his mother?

3. What is Christopher's reaction When Obi tells Christopher about Elsie Mark's visit ho his home and his decision to turn her down?

4. When Obi goes to Clara's after his visit home, how does the relationship between them take a turn for the worse?

5. What makes Obi decide to apply for local leave and visit his home?

6. As Obi and Marie Tomlinson become more cordial to each other, how does the author use these two characters to vary the portrayal of Mr. Green?

7. What are the examples evident of the author's use of humor When Christopher and Obi take Clara and Bisi dancing at the Imperial?

8. How do the incidents at the Roman Catholic convent in demonstrate limitations on social relationships in Lagos?

9. When Obi reveals his suspicion that Clara is pregnant, how does Christopher react?

10. Describe briefly the incidents that occur between Obi and Clara on the night before Obi leaves for his visit to his home.

(see the answer keys)

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