No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What feelings does Obi have when he sees his mother?
(a) He is encouraged to see her improvement.
(b) He is full of grief over her emaciated condition.
(c) He is frightened to see how much weight she has lost.
(d) He is relieved that she is not as bad as he feared.

2. What brings Obi additional criticism when his mother dies?
(a) He fails to turn up in time for his mother's funeral.
(b) They hear of him forcing Clara to have an abortion.
(c) They hear of him getting an osu woman pregnant.
(d) People criticize the paltry funeral held for the mother of a civil servant.

3. Where do Clara and Obi go with Christopher and his new girlfriend, Bisi?
(a) They go dancing and to dinner at the Imperial.
(b) They go to dinner and a movie at the Imperial and then dancing.
(c) They go to the movie at the Imperial and then dancing.
(d) They go dancing at the Imperial.

4. What does Obi consider doing in order to meet his mounting debts after speaking with Charles Ibe?
(a) Obi contemplates an overdraft of £50 at his bank.
(b) Obi considers asking Mr. Omo for a salary advance.
(c) Obi contemplates withholding payments from the UPU.
(d) Obi considers asking Mr. Green for a loan.

5. How does Obi's distraction about the situation with his family affect his journey back to Lagos?
(a) He drives in a daze and almost has a head-on collision.
(b) He drives recklessly because of his anger.
(c) He decides to drive carefully so he can plan what to do.
(d) He drives quickly because he is anxious to get back to Clara.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Obi respond when his father broaches the subject of his relationship with Clara?

2. What are the contents of the letter from Obi that Clara later returns?

3. How does the first doctor respond when Clara and Obi visit him?

4. How do the visitors at Obi's home react after he has been there a couple of days?

5. How does the relationship between Obi and Marie Tomlinson develop after she witnesses Obi's distress about his finances?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the beginning of Obi's visit to his parents, how does the author communicate Obi's feelings about his mother?

2. After Obi returns from his visit home, how does Christopher react to Obi's news about the response of his parents to his plan to marry Clara?

3. What incident involving Mr. Mark at Obi's office foreshadows Obi's eventual involvement with bribes over scholarships?

4. When Obi goes to Clara's after his visit home, how does the relationship between them take a turn for the worse?

5. When Obi reveals his suspicion that Clara is pregnant, how does Christopher react?

6. How do the incidents at the Roman Catholic convent in demonstrate limitations on social relationships in Lagos?

7. What mixed feelings does Obi have about resisting the temptation to accept Mr. Mark's bribe?

8. As Obi is caught with evidence of having accepted a bribe, how does the author indicate that outsiders have no idea how to account for what has happened to Obi?

9. What mixed reactions does Obi display in response to his mother's death?

10. When Obi leaves Clara to go off with the doctor who is going to perform the abortion, how does the author reveal the extent of Obi's distress?

(see the answer keys)

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