No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the villagers particularly happy about?
(a) That Obi is about to get a good job.
(b) That Obi has not brought home a white wife.
(c) That Obi will live where those who get "European jobs" live.
(d) That Obi has not forgotten his roots.

2. Where do Obi and Clara meet again eighteen months after their first meeting?
(a) On the MV Vasa.
(b) On the SS Lagos.
(c) On the MV Nigeria.
(d) On the SS Liverpool.

3. According to a flashback, where does Obi first meet Clara?
(a) In London.
(b) At Christopher's house.
(c) At his farewell prayer service in Lagos.
(d) At Joseph's house in Lagos.

4. What warning does Obi's new boss give him when the two are introduced?
(a) That he should not be "bone-lazy" but use his "loaf."
(b) That he hopes there will not be a quick descent into taking bribes.
(c) That he hopes he learned something in England.
(d) That he should avoid the temptation of thinking he has arrived.

5. What expensive gadget owned by Okoli does Obi admire?
(a) A telephone that displays incoming calls.
(b) A television that records programs.
(c) A gramophone that changes records automatically.
(d) A radiogram that tapes and plays back conversations.

Short Answer Questions

1. What old nickname of Obi's is revealed while Obi and Joseph are recalling old times?

2. How does Joseph respond when Obi tells him of Clara's refusal to marry him because she is osu?

3. What causes Obi to storm out of the December UPU meeting in anger, intending not to return?

4. Why does Obi hope to receive support from his mother for his plan to marry Clara?

5. What reason does Clara give for going to Obi's cabin?

Short Essay Questions

1. What complaints does Obi make about an encounter with the police after buying the ring and returning home to Joseph?

2. What warning does the Rev. Samuel Ikedi give to Obi On the occasion of the banquet that Obi's father Isaac hold for him before he goes to study in England,?

3. What comments does Mr. Green make to suggest that he expected no better from Obi at the tennis club on the morning of the verdict?

4. What turn does the relationship between Obi and Clara take shortly after getting his new job?

5. Before going to England, Obi spends time in Lagos with Joseph Okeke. Who is Joseph and how is he connected with Obi?

6. What views about the "bride-price" do Obi and Joseph discuss after speaking about Obi's job interview?

7. What internal conflict does Obi experience while he is on his first visit with his father at home?

8. What sights does Obi observe and how does he respond When Obi returns to Lagos from England and visits a Lagos slum?

9. What two mistakes does Obi make when Obi attends reception held in Lagos by the Umuofian Progressive Union to welcome him home?

10. Why does Obi accuse Joseph of having a colonial mentality When Obi and Joseph discuss Obi's job interview with the Public service Commission?

(see the answer keys)

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