No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What steps does Obi try to implement at home in order to curtail his expenses?
(a) He plans to save on electricity and telephone cost.
(b) He plans to save on electricity and water.
(c) He tries to save by cutting back on meat purchases and reducing use of electricity.
(d) he plans to save on electricity and entertainment.

2. Which girl does Christopher consider marrying except for the fact that she is going away to study?
(a) Clara.
(b) Bisi.
(c) Florence.
(d) Nora.

3. What causes Obi's failure to repay Clara's money?
(a) He gets news of his mother's death.
(b) He gets news of taxes he owes.
(c) Mr. Green demands that he repay the salary advance immediately.
(d) He gets news of his father's death.

4. What does Obi do in an effort to find solace for his distress about Clara's situation?
(a) He is so agitated that he almost crashes his car.
(b) The author writes that Obi does not eat; he pulls down Houseman's volume but then reads no poems.
(c) He cannot eat, sleep or read poems that normally console him.
(d) He storms into the hospital at midnight demanding to see Clara.

5. How does Obi respond when his father broaches the subject of his relationship with Clara?
(a) Obi says he wants to meet her people and start negotiations.
(b) Obi says he loves her and will marry her no matter what.
(c) Obi says he is not sure whether he should marry Clara.
(d) Obi says he is worried about the relationship.

6. What are Obi's early responses to the death of his mother?
(a) He is relieved although it is too late to save the situation with Clara.
(b) He cries like a child and feels guilty about not keeping vigil for his mother.
(c) He is too overcome by all his troubles to feel anything for his mother.
(d) He believes maybe now he can marry Clara.

7. What is Obi's first impression of Marie Tomlinson, his co-worker at the office?
(a) That she is having an affair with the boss.
(b) That she is a spy.
(c) That she is having an affair with a black clerk.
(d) That she is carrying tales to Mr. Omo.

8. How does Obi finally get caught for his involvement in bribery?
(a) Mr. Green has a spy follow Obi home and sees him accepting money.
(b) Mr. Omo sees Obi accepting money from a scholarship applicant at the club.
(c) An undercover policeman pays him a bribe with marked bills.
(d) A visitor returns with a stranger who finds Obi with marked bills after paying Obi money.

9. After Clara and Obi discuss the situation concerning the response of his parents to their engagement, what comments of Clara foreshadow further trouble?
(a) She reveals that her parents are also against the marriage.
(b) She reveals that she is pregnant but wants him to leave it to her to manage it..
(c) She says she is in trouble at work but she is working things out.
(d) Clara says there is something she had wanted to tell him, but she should be able to take care of it herself.

10. How do the circumstances surrounding Clara's hospitalization contribute to Obi's eventual downfall?
(a) They lead to Clara's death, more expenses, and his loss of hope.
(b) They lead to their break-up and the worsening of his financial situation.
(c) They cause him to leave Clara and become more careless about money, finally accepting a bribe.
(d) They lead to his mother's death and Obi's decision to return to England.

11. How bad is the situation when Obi's insurance bill actually arrives?
(a) The insurance costs £60 and Obi has £15 in the bank.
(b) The insurance has to be paid much sooner than Obi expected.
(c) The insurance costs twice what Obi expected.
(d) The insurance costs £42 and Obi has £13 in the bank.

12. While Obi tries to concentrate on work despite bad news from home, what comment about a Nigerian student does Mr. Green make while dictating a letter to Marie Tomlinson?
(a) Green complains that Obi should have settled down before incurring so many debts.
(b) Green complains that all students supported by the government become greedy in their demands.
(c) Green complains about a student who expects the Government to support both him and his girlfriend.
(d) Green complains about workers borrowing money to support extravagant lifestyles.

13. How does Joseph show support for Obi after his mother dies?
(a) He offers to go with him to the village even though it wil be after his mother's funeral.
(b) Joseph brings beer for delegations of UPU mourners who might drop by.
(c) He stays and talks with him through the night.
(d) He offers to find Clara and bring her back.

14. Why is Clara upset with Obi when she hears about him contemplating a bank overdraft?
(a) Because he refuses the money offered by her parents.
(b) Because he refuses to return the engagement ring and get back the money.
(c) Because he did not ask her for money.
(d) Because he will not use money he set aside for the bride payment.

15. What feelings does Obi have when he sees his mother?
(a) He is encouraged to see her improvement.
(b) He is frightened to see how much weight she has lost.
(c) He is relieved that she is not as bad as he feared.
(d) He is full of grief over her emaciated condition.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Obi decide to do when he learns that he might have to pay back money from his travel allowance?

2. From whom does Obi borrow money to help out with Clara's abortion?

3. When Obi goes to visit Clara in hospital, what comments by the doctor foreshadow what will happen between Clara and Obi?

4. How does Obi explain his physical appearance when Miss Tomlinson says he looks run down?

5. How does Obi respond to the assertions of Mr. Green and Miss Tomlinson about leave entitlements available to Africans?

(see the answer keys)

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