No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Obi arrives home, what descriptions does the author give of his parents' rooms?
(a) Both rooms are exactly as Obi remembers them from childhood.
(b) Isaac's room has been cleared for Hannah to get more space.
(c) Both are in a disheveled condition.
(d) Isaac's room is filled with printed materials, while Hannah's is full of mundane things.

2. What is Obi's financial situation like as he is on his way home?
(a) He has no money and will not be able to pay John's school fees.
(b) He has only John's schoool fees and some small change.
(c) He has less than he needs and owes money on John's school fees.
(d) He has enough money because of his leave pay.

3. Why is Clara upset with Obi when she hears about him contemplating a bank overdraft?
(a) Because he refuses the money offered by her parents.
(b) Because he did not ask her for money.
(c) Because he refuses to return the engagement ring and get back the money.
(d) Because he will not use money he set aside for the bride payment.

4. From whom does Obi borrow money to help out with Clara's abortion?
(a) From a moneylender.
(b) From Marie Tomlinson.
(c) From Clara's sister.
(d) From Sam Okoli.

5. What worries does Obi have about the expectations of the people at home as he makes his journey home?
(a) They will want to interfere in his business.
(b) They will want to give him all sorts of embarrassing gifts.
(c) They will want to share in his good fortune.
(d) They will want to meet his bride-to-be.

6. Where do Christopher and Obi go to play tennis with Nora and Pat?
(a) The YMCA.
(b) The British tennis club.
(c) The Catholic convent.
(d) The Civil Servants' Tennis Club.

7. What is Christopher's view about bribery?
(a) He says only acceptance of money constitutes bribery.
(b) He says white members of the committee would have accepted Miss Mark's offer.
(c) He says everybody is influenced by something.
(d) He says taking willing Elsie to bed after her interview does not qualify as bribery.

8. What do the villagers accuse Obi of after his mother is buried?
(a) They accuse Obi of giving up his mother for an osu woman.
(b) They accuse Obi of being ungrateful and wicked to his own.
(c) They accuse Obi of stealing from his own mother to be with an osu woman.
(d) Obi is called a beast who abandons his kin for sweet things.

9. What happens that makes Obi smile while reading that evening?
(a) Obi finds an old paper on which he had written a poem about Nigeria.
(b) Obi re-reads his first collection of poems written while he was studying.
(c) Obi writes a poem that evening.
(d) Obi reads his poetry to remind him of the carefree days in London.

10. How does Joseph show support for Obi after his mother dies?
(a) He offers to find Clara and bring her back.
(b) He stays and talks with him through the night.
(c) Joseph brings beer for delegations of UPU mourners who might drop by.
(d) He offers to go with him to the village even though it wil be after his mother's funeral.

11. What brings Obi additional criticism when his mother dies?
(a) They hear of him forcing Clara to have an abortion.
(b) He fails to turn up in time for his mother's funeral.
(c) They hear of him getting an osu woman pregnant.
(d) People criticize the paltry funeral held for the mother of a civil servant.

12. How does Clara embarrass Obi when he finally sees her in the hospital?
(a) In front of all the women, Clara accuses Obi of forcing her to have an abortion.
(b) In front of all the women, Clara says she will never marry Obi
(c) Clara orders Obi to leave in front of all the women.
(d) Clara turns her face to the wall in front of all the women.

13. When Obi goes to visit Clara in hospital, what comments by the doctor foreshadow what will happen between Clara and Obi?
(a) The doctor says there is not much hope for Clara.
(b) The doctor says Clara might not want to see Obi.
(c) The doctor says Clara has given up on Obi.
(d) The doctor says Clara is too angry to speak to Obi.

14. How does Obi respond to the assertions of Mr. Green and Miss Tomlinson about leave entitlements available to Africans?
(a) Obi says they know nothing about Nigerians.
(b) Obi says it is their country so they should have the same privileges as the British.
(c) Obi says that the Europeans set the rules when no Nigerians were in the senior service.
(d) Obi says Nigerians will show the Europeans what they are capable of.

15. How does the first doctor respond when Clara and Obi visit him?
(a) He says they should go back to England where these prejudices do not exist.
(b) He says Clara should get help in her own village for privacy's sake.
(c) He says he cannot risk his reputation and practice over an abortion and that Obi should marry the pretty girl.
(d) He says they should go to the public clinic which is cheaper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the author reveal about a special aspect of Nigerian culture, when the two couples go out on a date?

2. How do the circumstances surrounding Clara's hospitalization contribute to Obi's eventual downfall?

3. What does Obi do in an effort to find solace for his distress about Clara's situation?

4. According to Mr. Green, what characteristic of Nigerians would prevent the country from being able to manage independence?

5. Where do Clara and Obi go with Christopher and his new girlfriend, Bisi?

(see the answer keys)

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