No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What new expense does Obi assume when he gets his new car that suggests another symbol of his status?
(a) Obi has a valet whom he pays £10 a month.
(b) Obi has a driver whom he hires for £10 a month.
(c) Obi has a houseboy whom he pays £4 a month.
(d) Obi has a driver, whom he hires for £4 a month.

2. Which veteran civil servant is assigned to teach Obi about office administration?
(a) Mr. Umuofia.
(b) Mr. Green.
(c) Mr. Okoli.
(d) Mr. Omo.

3. Where in Lagos does Joseph live?
(a) Lagos Motor Park in the Obalende.
(b) Umuofia Park.
(c) The Motor Park in Umuofia.
(d) Ikoyi.

4. What causes Obi to storm out of the December UPU meeting in anger, intending not to return?
(a) The President's refusal to approve Obi's request for a grace period.
(b) The President's reference to rumors about Obi's plans to marry a girl of "doubtful ancestry."
(c) The comments of the elders about Obi's arrogance.
(d) The revelation that Obi has already been living above his means.

5. What happens when Clara and Obi return and MacMillan leaves them after going ashore to Funchal?
(a) They decide not to see each other again because Clara is betrothed.
(b) They deide to leave things as they are and "see what happens" in Lagos.
(c) They make plans to continue their relationship.
(d) Obi declares his love and kisses Clara, who responds with a violent kiss.

6. Why does Clara imply that Obi should not complain when he complains about seeing "good movies?"
(a) She does not complain about listening to Obi read poetry or about them going to lunch with Christopher whom she dislikes.
(b) She does not complain when he demands traditional African food which she does not care for.
(c) She does not complain when he drags her to see war movies.
(d) She does not complain when he drags her off to tennis which she hates.

7. How do the older kinsmen respond after hearing Obi's stories about being at sea?
(a) They declare that it is good for a man to return home.
(b) They declare that Obi is lucky to have been to hell and back.
(c) They declare that it is unfortunate that young men have to travel so far to get a good education.
(d) They declare that Obi has been to the "land of the spirits."

8. Who is Obi's new boss?
(a) Mr. Okoli.
(b) Mr. Omo.
(c) Mr. Umuofia.
(d) Mr. Green.

9. What is the meaning of Obi's full name?
(a) One born to woe.
(b) One who will do great things.
(c) The last of my father's children.
(d) The mind at last is at rest.

10. What does Obi find amazing about Clara's taste in films?
(a) How she cries at sad movies but loves to see them.
(b) How she gets caught up in every lover's quarrel.
(c) How she hates British movies.
(d) How she delights in on-screen killing.

11. Why does the UPU want Obi to study law in England?
(a) To help members with inheritance cases.
(b) To help them to defend those charged with bribery.
(c) To groom him for future political leadership.
(d) To help them with land cases.

12. What are the villagers particularly happy about?
(a) That Obi has not forgotten his roots.
(b) That Obi will live where those who get "European jobs" live.
(c) That Obi is about to get a good job.
(d) That Obi has not brought home a white wife.

13. What does the encounter with bribery on the way home cause Obi to think about the situation?
(a) Obi wonders where to begin cleaning the Augean stable and thinks a dictator is necessary.
(b) Obi concludes Lagos is an Augean stable and vows to clean it up.
(c) Obi concludes that bribery is an Augean stable that requires educated people to clean it up.
(d) Obi concludes that bribery is an Augean stable that only foreigners can cean up.

14. How does Joseph interpret Obi's insistence on ignoring tradition and marrying Clara?
(a) He believes his education can excuse his disregard for tradition.
(b) Obi's upbringing and education have made him a stranger in Nigeria.
(c) His education cannot prevent him from being a fool in matters of the heart.
(d) His years in England have made him resentful of African customs.

15. How does Obi know Joseph Okeke whom he visits in Lagos before leaving for England?
(a) He is Obi's former classmate.
(b) He is Clara's brother.
(c) From Umuofia University.
(d) From the Lagos slum where they went to school together.

Short Answer Questions

1. What offensive question does the commissioner who has been sleeping in the interview ask Obi when he wakes up?

2. What reason does Clara offer for saying she cannot marry Obi?

3. While Obi is home enjoying his interaction with his kinsmen, what thoughts does he have that indicate that he harbors resentment against the British?

4. Why does Obi insist on moving in to stay with Joseph?

5. What early indication does Obi see how "Dear old Nigeria really works" as the boat docks in Lagos?

(see the answer keys)

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