The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sam respond when Henry says he refuses to leave?
(a) He tells him it's his choice if he stays.
(b) He tells him he will have to speak with the judge.
(c) He tells him that he must leave.
(d) He tells him that he may stay with Bailey.

2. How does the play close?
(a) Henry experiencing new strength and striding confidently off stage.
(b) Henry is sitting on his cot by Bailey.
(c) Henry leaves and goes back to his life by Walden Pond.
(d) Henry refuses to leave.

3. When does all action on stage stop?
(a) When Edward is shot.
(b) An unseen voice addresses Congress and urges the President to stop the war.
(c) When Henry yells for the war to end.
(d) When John is shot.

4. Henry and Lydian briefly discuss love and loneliness. What comes between them?
(a) Edward.
(b) Some signs of awkwardness.
(c) Some signs of tension.
(d) Waldo.

5. Where does Henry advice him to go?
(a) New York.
(b) Quebec.
(c) Canada.
(d) Concord.

6. Henry praises the speaker, and calls him by what name?
(a) My brother.
(b) My son.
(c) Congressman Lincoln from Illinois.
(d) President Polk.

7. With what does Henry tell Bailey he prays?
(a) A Bible.
(b) Nature.
(c) The water.
(d) A flute.

8. After Henry deals with the chicken problem, how does Lydian respond to this gesture?
(a) She urges him to stay with them.
(b) She is embarrassed.
(c) She urges him to get married.
(d) She hugs him.

9. Why does Henry wail in grief?
(a) Edward is shot.
(b) Waldo is shot.
(c) John is shot.
(d) Abraham Lincoln is shot.

10. About what is Henry's poem/prayer?
(a) It has more to do with his own beliefs than with Bailey's legal troubles.
(b) It has to do with confession and forgiveness.
(c) It has to do with protecting Bailey in his time of need.
(d) It has to do with renewal of faith and hope in God.

11. Sergeant Sam wakes the sleeping Henry and gives him what?
(a) A rifle.
(b) His breakfast.
(c) The key to the jail cell.
(d) A note.

12. When is there sexual tension between Lydian and Henry?
(a) When she asks if he is lonely, he turns the question back on her.
(b) When she sees the gift he made her.
(c) When Henry asks her to marry him.
(d) When Edward says he wants Henry to be is father.

13. What name does Williams adopts?
(a) Walden Williams.
(b) Williams Henry.
(c) Henry Williams.
(d) Williams Thoreau.

14. As who does Waldo appear?
(a) A General.
(b) The President.
(c) A soldier.
(d) A Mexican soldier.

15. How does Henry describe berry picking?
(a) Huckleberry hunting.
(b) Berry patch hunting.
(c) Huckleberry Finn hunting.
(d) Berry berry, quite contrary.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Henry urges him to run away?

2. Where does Williams want to stay?

3. What has Henry's Aunt Louisa done?

4. What does Williams do when he sees Henry?

5. Why can Henry not choose any of the young women Lydian suggests?

(see the answer keys)

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