The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the lighting show a new time period and a younger Waldo?
(a) The lighting on Waldo's side of the stage becomes warmer.
(b) The lighting on Waldo's side of the stage shifts to a bright yellow.
(c) The lighting on Waldo's side of the stage shifts to a stronger hue.
(d) The lighting on Waldo's side of the stage becomes more white.

2. How does Bailey feel about being in jail with Henry?
(a) He is delighted to be in jail with an author.
(b) He hates being in jail with him.
(c) He does not mind being in jail with an author.
(d) He is irritated by him.

3. Bailey is impressed and observes that Henry must be a teacher. Why is Bailey impressed with Henry?
(a) Henry teaches him how to play the flute.
(b) Henry teaches him about Transcendentalism.
(c) Henry teaches him mathematics.
(d) Henry teaches him how to read and write his name.

4. Waldo, who is clearly quite old, is losing his senses, mistakes what for a person?
(a) A shadow.
(b) A post.
(c) His umbrella.
(d) His overcoat.

5. Why does Ellen not marry John?
(a) She is too young.
(b) She loves Henry.
(c) She does not love him.
(d) Her father objects.

6. What is the only reason for why Henry leaves his home?
(a) To see his family.
(b) To go swimming.
(c) For trips to town for supplies.
(d) To visit friends.

7. How does Waldo respond when Ball asks him about listening to another clergyman?
(a) He gets good sermon ideas from other clergymen.
(b) He tends to fall asleep.
(c) He becomes nervous.
(d) He is always glad when the sermon is over.

8. What does Henry tell Waldo and Lydian about what must be done?
(a) Let him know what they need.
(b) They need to give him a list.
(c) He will only do certain things.
(d) The things that need doing will tell him about it.

9. Why do the townsfolk look strangely at Henry?
(a) Henry is stumbling around.
(b) Henry is sneaking around in the dark.
(c) Henry is arguing with the constable.
(d) Henry takes off one shoe.

10. What does Ellen wish about Henry?
(a) She wishes Henry had proposed instead of John.
(b) She wishes Henry had not introduced her to John.
(c) She wishes Henry would help John get over her.
(d) She wishes Henry would have proposed so that she could refuse him also.

11. To what does John attribute Henry's nonconformity?
(a) Henry's nature.
(b) Henry's private school education.
(c) Henry's Harvard education.
(d) Henry's desire to be isolated.

12. If more people were willing to go to jail to protest the government, they could effect change on what scale?
(a) The scale of the Civil War.
(b) The scale of the American Revolution.
(c) The scale of the Mexican War.
(d) A small scale.

13. What is Transcendentalism?
(a) The belief in karma, nirvana, and reincarnation.
(b) A way of traveling from one continent to another.
(c) A person's thoughts or emotions that transcend or rise above their external perceptions.
(d) A Christian denomination, similar to the Methodist faith.

14. After telling Ellen about Transcendentalism, what does he invite her to do?
(a) Go to a Unitarian church.
(b) Go beyond "living" and start "being."
(c) Be kind to others to build good karma.
(d) Go beyond "being" and start "living."

15. Why will Henry not give money to the government?
(a) He does not like the United States.
(b) He does not have the money to give to the government.
(c) He is not an American.
(d) He does not approve of its actions.

Short Answer Questions

1. What word does Deacon Ball use incorrectly, which actually means forbidden?

2. What do both Henry and Waldo do simultaneously?

3. What does Henry then urge all his students not to do but to savor their sensations of the world?

4. What is Henry's advice when Bailey says he cannot swim?

5. When Waldo offers money, how does Henry respond?

(see the answer keys)

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