Nights of Rain and Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nights of Rain and Stars Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does David tell his parents in a letter?
(a) That he is quitting his job.
(b) That he is gay.
(c) That he won't attend his father's award ceremony.
(d) That he is staying on Aghia Anna indefinitely.

2. What does Vonni say to Elsa when she explains why she ended her relationship with Dieter?
(a) That Elsa doesn't know what love is.
(b) That Elsa should grow up.
(c) That Elsa hasn't lived until her heart has been broken.
(d) That Elsa shouldn't give up on him.

3. What surprises the sailors when talking to Thomas?
(a) That Thomas is still on the island after the tragedy.
(b) That Thomas doesn't speak Greek.
(c) That Thomas is single.
(d) That Thomas and his friends are from different countries.

4. How does Vonni describe Fiona to the hotel manager?
(a) As trustworthy.
(b) As a troublemaker.
(c) As compassionate.
(d) As unreliable.

5. What has David noticed that Vonni has never done in the group's presence?
(a) That she never eats in the presence of others.
(b) That she never drinks alcohol.
(c) That she never gives her opinion.
(d) That she never cooks for others.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elsa witness in Chapter 16?

2. How long has Vonni been on the island?

3. What does Andreas receive at home and describe to Georgi?

4. Where did Vonni meet her husband?

5. After sharing much of her past with Thomas, to whom does Vonni turn next?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Fiona write about in the letter to her mother?

2. Once he reaches Athens, what thoughts does Shane have about Fiona?

3. What event causes Fiona to leave Shane for good?

4. Why is there tension between Bill and Thomas on the phone?

5. What does Vonni admit has caused her trouble?

6. What does each tourist reveal as his or her next plan?

7. How do the local fisherman react to the tourists' presence at the funeral?

8. Why does Vonni think the tourists' desire to stay in Aghia Anna is a bad idea?

9. What secrets from her past does Vonni reveal in Chapter 12?

10. What does David notice about Vonni's behavior that he shares with the other tourists?

(see the answer keys)

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