Nightjohn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nightjohn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Mrs. Waller say that her husband just spent on a new hand in Chapter 2?
(a) About $10,000.
(b) Over $1,000.
(c) About $500.
(d) Under $100.

2. How does Sarny describe the financial circumstances of the master's family in Chapter 2?
(a) They are poor.
(b) They are rich.
(c) They are struggling after the war.
(d) They have gone bankrupt.

3. Where has Sarny observed people reading prior to meeting John?
(a) At the slave market.
(b) In the white house.
(c) At church.
(d) In town.

4. In what century was the Atlantic slave established?
(a) The 15th century.
(b) The 18th century.
(c) The 17th century.
(d) The 16th century.

5. By current estimates, approximately how many Africans were shipped across the Atlantic during the slave trade?
(a) 20 million.
(b) 5 million.
(c) 7 million.
(d) 12 million.

Short Answer Questions

1. How would you describe Sarny's perception of life outside of the plantation in Chapter 2?

2. Sarny states at the end of Chapter 2 that she knows the "people in the white house aren't richer" than whom?

3. What is Mr. Waller's first name?

4. What kind of coin does Sarny describe finding in the dirt in Chapter 2?

5. What is the name of the slave that raises Sarny?

Short Essay Questions

1. What imagery and/or symbolism is used in describing the slaves on the plantation in Chapter 2?

2. What does Sarny describe thinking about as the others sleep in the slave quarters at night in Chapter 1?

3. How does the author describe the regulations and rules regarding slaves and religion in Chapter 2?

4. How would you describe the dialect and language style established in Chapter 1?

5. How is Sarny's birth and early childhood described in Chapter 1? Are Sarny's experiences common for slaves at this time?

6. What is foreshadowed by Sarny's description of the penny that she once found in Chapter 2?

7. What job or jobs does Sarny do around the plantation in Chapter 1?

8. What does Sarny overhear from the white house while she works in Chapter 2?

9. How does Mr. Waller behave toward John as he brings him into the plantation in Chapter 3?

10. How does Sarny describe Mammy's method of praying in Chapter 2? Why does Mammy pray this way?

(see the answer keys)

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