Night Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Night Prey Test | Final Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Koop when he attacks Evan?
(a) Evan faints.
(b) Evan doesn't react at all.
(c) He realizes he went to college with Evan when he sees him up close.
(d) Evan fights back.

2. What does Koop do quite a bit that frustrates the people following him?
(a) Stops to wash his car every five minutes.
(b) Drives aimlessly.
(c) Brakes and makes U-turns unnecessarily.
(d) Talks on the cell phone while driving.

3. What do Evan and Sara discuss when they are first alone in her apartment?
(a) How she wants to move to Hawaii.
(b) Her uneasiness about the break-in.
(c) His promotion at work.
(d) Her family.

4. What do the videos and pictures taken from Koop's attack on a woman in the street show?
(a) Not much.
(b) His license plate.
(c) His face.
(d) His face and license plate.

5. What cuts Davenport's head during the bust of the motorcycle gang?
(a) A broken beer bottle.
(b) A bullet grazing his skull.
(c) A falling rock.
(d) A shelf.

6. What does Schultz prefer to be called?
(a) "Just Plain Schultz."
(b) "Sir Schultz."
(c) "Rev. Schultz."
(d) "Dr. Schultz."

7. Who checks Koop's truck once he is under surveillance?
(a) Davenport.
(b) Connell.
(c) Chief Roux.
(d) Weather.

8. What kinds of possibilities do Davenport, Connell, and Sara discuss when they first start talking about the crimes?
(a) Whether the weather will affect their operation.
(b) Why the neighborhood has gotten so unsafe lately.
(c) Why the man is broadcasting from Sara's apartment.
(d) How the man could have gotten a key to her apartment.

9. Who is Thomas Troy?
(a) A reporter.
(b) The district attorney.
(c) The head of the FBI.
(d) The head of the CIA.

10. Why does Koop want to interact with the couple who get a flat tire?
(a) So he can find out where they live.
(b) So he can determine if they are married.
(c) So he can determine if they are rich.
(d) So they remember him.

11. Which former employer of Koop's does Davenport speak with?
(a) His old boss at a coffee shop.
(b) The deputy warden at the prison.
(c) His old boss at the police station.
(d) His old boss at an engineering firm.

12. What does Koop think he has first been arrested for?
(a) Murder.
(b) Serial murder.
(c) Robbing a bank.
(d) He is not sure.

13. What does Troy want Davenport to do with Koop in Chapter 28?
(a) Let him go.
(b) Arrest him.
(c) Stop watching his every move.
(d) Frame him.

14. Who tells Sara that Evan was hurt very badly in the attack?
(a) A reporter.
(b) A secretary who really isn't supposed to give out that information.
(c) A surgeon.
(d) A nurse.

15. Which familiar figure is already at the crime scene where Evan was attacked when Davenport arrives?
(a) Connell.
(b) Chief Roux.
(c) Sara.
(d) Jan Reed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of equipment does Koop buy as he's trying to build an alibi after attacking Evan?

2. In Chapter 21, who does Davenport rush off to see as he is talking with Jan Reed?

3. Who gives Davenport and Connell important details about the burglary at Sara's place?

4. Who does Davenport first tell about the possible mix-up with the suspect license plate?

5. Why is Connell so sick in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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