Nibelungenlied Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nibelungenlied Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rudeger ask Dietrich to do when he rides into the courtyard?
(a) To help him kill Hagen.
(b) To try to change Etzel's mind.
(c) To negotiate peace with Kriemhild.
(d) To finish off the Burgundians.

2. What provides the spark that eventually ignites the conflict between Gunther and Etzel's men?
(a) Gunther challenges Kriemhild's champion to single combat.
(b) A Burgundian warrior proposes to fight Gunther hand to hand.
(c) Hagen challenges the champion of the Huns to single combat.
(d) A Hun warrior proposes to meet Hagen and Folker alone in the field.

3. Why do Kriemhild's men retreat from their attack on Gunther's men?
(a) The gleam of one of their helmets gives them away.
(b) They want to wait for a more opportune moment.
(c) The noise of their armor betrays them.
(d) One of their warriors betrayed their plans inadvertently.

4. How does Kriemhild manipulate her knights to build their numbers in an effort to get a larger band of them to attack Hagen and Volker?
(a) She tells the meager band that Volker is even mightier than Hagen.
(b) She weeps louder and louder.
(c) She offers to give the warriors whatever they ask for if they will be increase in numbers.
(d) She asks them directly to go, bring back their most trusted warriors to serve the queen.

5. Of the well-bred men Rudiger's daughter is expected to kiss in greeting, whom does she balk at kissing?
(a) Volker.
(b) Hagen.
(c) Giselher.
(d) Danewart.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Kriemhild cry out after the Burgundians retreat?

2. What does Dietrich think when he hears the crying over Rudeger's death?

3. What does Giselher believe when he sees Rudiger?

4. Who agrees to fight Hagen alone?

5. At what location does Hagen taunt Kriemhild with the sword of her slain husband?

(see the answer keys)

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