Nibelungenlied Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nibelungenlied Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which noblemen lead the knights to withdraw from the tournament that takes place after church in Adventure 31?
(a) Irnfrit and Hawart.
(b) Etzel and Gunther.
(c) Volker and Hagen.
(d) Dietrich and Rudiger.

2. Who finally kills Rudeger?
(a) Gunther.
(b) Hagen.
(c) Gernot.
(d) Folker.

3. Who is the Fiddler, whom Kriemhild's warriors fear?
(a) The man who stands up with Hagen against Kriemhild.
(b) The minstrel.
(c) Volker.
(d) All answers are correct.

4. Who does Rudeger kill?
(a) A man who criticizes him for not fighting.
(b) Gunther.
(c) Fifty Burgundians.
(d) Hagen.

5. What alerts Kriemhild's knights, who are approaching the sleeping King Gunther and his noble companions?
(a) The sight of the Fiddler standing guard.
(b) Flames like fire coming from the hall.
(c) The sight of Hagen standing guard.
(d) An other-worldly sentinel.

6. What does Dietrich tell Hagen's men when they arrive?
(a) That they should leave immediately.
(b) That Kriemhild plans to kill them.
(c) That Kriemhild still mourns Siegfried.
(d) That they are welcome in Etzel's palace.

7. What does Volker do, sitting at the threshold below the great door of the hall in Adventure 30?
(a) Fails to stand as Kriemhild approaches.
(b) No answers are correct.
(c) Places his fiddle-bow across his lap in protest of Kriemhild's words.
(d) Plays a sweet melody to lull many men to sleep.

8. What does Gelfrat want from Hagen's men?
(a) He wants them to pass a message to Gunther.
(b) He wants justice for the slain ferryman.
(c) He wants to escort them safely through his lands.
(d) He wants them to pass a message to Etzel.

9. At what location does Hagen taunt Kriemhild with the sword of her slain husband?
(a) Etzel's court.
(b) Rudiger's home.
(c) Kriemhild's palace.
(d) The vast field where Etzel's tournaments are held.

10. The Margrave Iring is from what country?
(a) Hungary.
(b) Saxony.
(c) Burgundy.
(d) Denmark

11. What does Dietrich think when he hears the crying over Rudeger's death?
(a) That Etzel and Kriemhild have been killed.
(b) That he is about to be killed.
(c) That the Burgundians have been killed at last.
(d) That Hagen has been killed.

12. Where do Gunther, his brothers, and the other nobles sleep after the Midsummer's Eve festivities?
(a) In Kriemhild's palace.
(b) In the king's palace.
(c) In a tent furnished with roomy beds and fine coverlets.
(d) In a hall with magnificent accoutrements.

13. What does Giselher suggest needs to be done with the bodies of the dead in the palace, once the fighting temporarily ceases?
(a) Burn the dead bodies.
(b) Throw the dead bodies into the moat.
(c) Bury the dead bodies.
(d) Carry the dead from the palace.

14. Of the well-bred men Rudiger's daughter is expected to kiss in greeting, whom does she balk at kissing?
(a) Danewart.
(b) Volker.
(c) Hagen.
(d) Giselher.

15. How many of Iring's men stand behind him before he does single-handed battle with Hagen?
(a) Two thousand or more.
(b) One thousand or more.
(c) One hundred or more.
(d) Five hundred or more.

Short Answer Questions

1. What surprises Kriemhild while at court?

2. What does Rudeger tell Hagen and his men when they pass into his territory?

3. What does Hagen do to upset Kriemhild in front of the four hundred warriors she intends to use to attack Hagen and Volker?

4. What happens when a Hun runs to aid one of his injured comrades?

5. What favor does Folker ask of Rudeger when the Burgundians arrive in Rudeger's stronghold?

(see the answer keys)

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