Nibelungenlied Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nibelungenlied Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 256 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Adventure 30, How the Knights Kept Watch.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Hagen's men say is marching on King Gunther's lands at the beginning of Adventure 15?
(a) Siegmund.
(b) Siegfried.
(c) Ludeger.
(d) Ortwine.

2. With what men does Siegfried plan to defeat Liudegast and Luidegar?
(a) The Saxons.
(b) The Danes.
(c) The Burgundians.
(d) The Netherlanders.

3. What do the unarmed knights use to arm themselves when the battle begins between Hagen's brother and Bloedelin's Hunnish warriors?
(a) Swords from dead warriors.
(b) No answer is correct.
(c) Helmets.
(d) Heavy footstools.

4. How many Burgundian squires die as the Hunnish warriors try to kill Dancwart?
(a) One thousand.
(b) Five thousand.
(c) Five hundred.
(d) Nine thousand.

5. Who prevents the tensions between the Huns and Burgundians from rising?
(a) Gunther.
(b) Etzel.
(c) No one.
(d) Folker.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who stands alone amid his enemies in Adventure 32?

2. What do Hagen and Gunther propose to hunt for with Siegfried?

3. What secret does Hagen elicit from Kriemhild?

4. What does Kriemhild's dream foretell will happen to Siegfried on the hunt?

5. What advice does Hagen give to Gunther regarding Kriemhild's invitation?

(see the answer key)

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