News of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

News of the World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Captain Kidd and Johanna stay in Cranfills Gap?
(a) Along the roadside.
(b) At a hotel.
(c) At a campsite.
(d) In a stable.

2. Who guards Captain Kidd and Johanna through the night outside of Lampasas?
(a) Simon Boudlin.
(b) John Calley.
(c) The Horrell brothers.
(d) The cowboys they met in the road.

3. What does Captain Kidd surmise from the fact that Almay and the Caddos are coming up single file on one side of the ravine?
(a) That they are in a hurry.
(b) That they are young.
(c) That they underestimate his defenses.
(d) That they are overconfident.

4. What does Captain Kidd give the old lady he and Johanna meet, in a gig, riding back toward Durand?
(a) A letter for the mill owner they stayed with.
(b) A letter for her to post.
(c) Dimes for John Calley.
(d) Money to pay for the chickens Johanna took.

5. What does John Calley apologize to Captain Kidd for, as he helps him collect the dimes that were spilled by the fighting during Captain Kidd’s Durand reading?
(a) The rudeness of his townsmen.
(b) Turning him away from his hotel.
(c) Overcharging him for supplies.
(d) Taking money from him on the road.

6. What range are Almay and the Caddos’ rifles good at in Chapter 11?
(a) 1,000 yards.
(b) 500 yards.
(c) 300 yards.
(d) 200 yards.

7. What does the narrator say Captain Kidd did at each place he read the news?
(a) Arrested time.
(b) Spread peace.
(c) Enriched people.
(d) Enriched time.

8. What is it that causes Johanna to start weeping about her future life?
(a) Mrs. Gannet tells her what kind of work she will have to do.
(b) Captain Kidd tells her he will not need her to collect dimes at his talks any more.
(c) Captain Kidd describes the house she will live in.
(d) John Calley offers to save her.

9. Where does Johanna sleep, for her first night back with her aunt and uncle?
(a) In a bed.
(b) In the Curative Waters wagon.
(c) On the floor.
(d) On a plank.

10. What is the state of Captain Kidd’s nerves after descending from the shootout at Carlyle Springs?
(a) Sluggish and heavy.
(b) Super alert.
(c) Jumpy and distracted.
(d) Preternaturally calm.

11. What does Captain Kidd think about doing, as a last ditch measure, to keep Almay from taking Johanna?
(a) Burning the woods.
(b) Killing her.
(c) Hiding her in a cave.
(d) Going on a suicide mission to buy her time to flee.

12. What is it about Pasha that keeps Captain Kidd from considering making a run for it, to escape from Almay and the Caddos?
(a) The heavy underbrush.
(b) Her twisted hoof.
(c) Her lame leg.
(d) His bad back.

13. What does Captain Kidd prepare for, as a contingency plan, after leaving the road up to Carlyle Springs?
(a) Abandoning the wagon.
(b) Running on foot.
(c) Dying in the shoot out.
(d) Riding through the open country.

14. How many Horrell brothers are there?
(a) Three.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

15. What is Captain Kidd concerned with, as he descends from Carlyle Springs?
(a) Fancy’s shoes.
(b) The brakes on the wagon.
(c) The iron wheel on the wagon.
(d) His bleeding wound.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many men have brought guns to the Captain’s news reading in Durand?

2. What do the people argue about, when they disrupt Captain Kidd’s reading in Durand?

3. What is the worst of the damage suffered by the Captain’s part, after the shootout at Carlyle Springs?

4. What dance does Johanna do in the wagon, as she and Captain Kidd make their way south from Cranfills Gap?

5. What topic does Captain Kidd avoid reading about in Durand, in addition to local Texas politics?

(see the answer keys)

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