New Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

New Moon Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Edward confess that he had hidden all of Bella's stuff?
(a) In the floorboards of her room.
(b) In the old Cullen house.
(c) In a box in the meadow they went to once.
(d) In her closet.

2. Where does Edward kiss Bella to calm her after the encounter in the underground chamber?
(a) Her face and hair.
(b) Her lips.
(c) Her hands.
(d) He doesn't kiss her at all for fear of biting her.

3. What rude thing does Jacob say into the phone when he answers the phone at Bella's house?
(a) "He's at the funeral!"
(b) "Wait for her to call you!"
(c) "Don't ever call here again!"
(d) "I have her now and you will never see her again!"

4. How does Alice respond to seeing Bella walk through the door after the cliff-diving incident?
(a) She tries to attack her with a wooden stake.
(b) She is surprised to see her.
(c) She hugs her and starts sobbing.
(d) She is speechless.

5. Who does Jacob accuse of killing people in the forest?
(a) The vampires.
(b) The bears.
(c) A strange sickness.
(d) The werewolves.

6. What rude gesture does Jacob make when he comments on the company (Alice) that Bella has at her house when he stops by on the day of Harry's funeral?
(a) He pretends he is gagging.
(b) He sticks his tongue out.
(c) He wrinkles his nose.
(d) He flips her guest off.

7. What threatening power does the young vampire girl have?
(a) The ablity to slow -- but not stop -- time.
(b) The ability to cause excruciating pain to others.
(c) The ability to control other people's actions.
(d) The ability to become any age at any time.

8. Why does Bella storm into the Black house after her dream?
(a) To attack Charlie.
(b) To attack Billy.
(c) To warn them that people will be hunting wolves.
(d) To demand her money back.

9. According to Alice, why does Bella smell so bad when she returns from her cliff-diving incident?
(a) Because the water she jumped into was poison.
(b) Because she is human and not a vampire.
(c) Because she longs for someone she loves.
(d) Because she was hanging around with a werewolf.

10. What does Bella overhear Charlie and Alice talking about?
(a) That Charlie is secretly a vampire, too.
(b) Bella's emotional breakdown.
(c) Edward's new girlfriend.
(d) That Charlie is going to lose his job.

11. Why does Emily have scars on one side of her face?
(a) Because she was in a really bad car accident.
(b) Because Sam attacked her once when he was a werewolf.
(c) Because she was caught in a house fire.
(d) Because she clawed at herself once while she was a werewolf.

12. Why is Bella not a vampire even though she has been bitten by one?
(a) All of these answers are correct.
(b) No one really knows why.
(c) Because not enough venom got into her blood.
(d) Because Edward sucked the blood out of her.

13. When Bella wakes up after returning from Italy, what emotion does she tell Edward he needs to let go of?
(a) Anger.
(b) Guilt.
(c) Rage.
(d) Sadness.

14. What notable thing does Edward say to Bella on the flight back to Seattle from Italy?
(a) Nothing; he doesn't speak the entire flight.
(b) He asks her to marry him.
(c) He confesses that he has been dating someone else.
(d) He tells her he loves her.

15. How does Harry die?
(a) A bear attack.
(b) A heart attack.
(c) A wolf attack.
(d) A vampire attack.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Edward say he didn't want to be with her anymore?

2. What do Bella and Edward negotiate as he takes her back to her house after the vote?

3. What does Bella see as she looks back at the cliff she jumped off of when she is heading home?

4. Who acts as the spokesperson for the werewolves to Bella and Edward?

5. What kind of car does Alice steal in Italy?

(see the answer keys)

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