The Neverending Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neverending Story Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Argax tells Bastian that his only hope of getting home now is to cross The Sea of what?
(a) Salt
(b) Mist
(c) Tears
(d) Blood

2. Who does Bastian wish to see again?
(a) his father
(b) the bullie that made fun of him
(c) his mother
(d) Moon Child

3. What type of animal is the Many-Colored Death?
(a) a lion
(b) a tiger
(c) a wolf
(d) a dragon

4. What does the Empress ask the Old Man to do?
(a) read the book
(b) burn the book
(c) write a new end to the book
(d) give her the book

5. How many suits of armor attack the travelers?
(a) fifty
(b) twenty
(c) thirty
(d) forty

6. The party enters a field full of what?
(a) lilies
(b) poppies
(c) roses
(d) orchids

7. How does Bastian plan to impress Atreyu?
(a) by taking Atreyu to the real world
(b) by killing a monster
(c) by recreating Fantastica better than it was before
(d) by telling great stories

8. Dame Eyola tells Bastian that if he wants to get home, he must find what?
(a) The Tree of Life
(b) The Well of Life
(c) The Fruit of Life
(d) The Water of Life

9. If Bastian loses his memory entirely, what will happen?
(a) He'll never get home.
(b) He'll trade places with Atreyu permanently.
(c) Falkor will take him to the desert and leave him to die.
(d) He'll turn into a monster.

10. What is the name of the princess who wants to marry the best knight in the tournament?
(a) Olgilimy
(b) Olvinia
(c) Oglamar
(d) Olminda

11. Bastian regrets creating what, as the travelers see destruction on their way to The Ivory Tower?
(a) a great storm
(b) a dragon
(c) a forest
(d) a desert

12. What is the name of the people who think communally and help Bastian cross the sea?
(a) The Yalgarnsi
(b) The Slkyari
(c) The Valskyri
(d) The Yskalnari

13. What warning does Grograman give Bastian about the Temple?
(a) Nobody has ever come out of The Temple alive.
(b) The Temple is located in a far off land.
(c) If Bastian's wish is unclear, he could get lost inside The Temple forever.
(d) A great wolf guards The Temple.

14. What are the Acharis later called?
(a) Clamoofs
(b) Gopoofs
(c) Shlagfooms
(d) Shlamoofs

15. Where does The Old Man live?
(a) The Cavern of Triumph
(b) The Cavern of Destiny
(c) The Mountain of Triumph
(d) The Mountain of Destiny

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lives in the Star Cloister?

2. What is Yikka's impossible wish?

3. What does Bastian do to mark the fact that he passed through the desert?

4. Why does Bastian stall their arrival at the Ivory Tower?

5. Falkor is too sad to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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