Nervous Conditions Test | Final Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nervous Conditions Test | Final Test - Easy

Tsitsi Dangarembga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of Nyasha's recent behavior at exam times worries Maiguru?
(a) She is becoming obsessive.
(b) She is becoming apathetic.
(c) She is becoming withdrawn.
(d) She is becoming disruptive.

2. Which of the following characters is the only one allowed in the family meeting regarding Lucia's presence on the homestead?
(a) Tambu.
(b) Nyasha.
(c) Lucia.
(d) Ma'Shingayi.

3. How long had Lucia been homeless before coming to stay at the homestead?
(a) 13 years.
(b) 19 years.
(c) 21 years.
(d) 11 years.

4. During which grade in school do the nuns arrive to give students general examinations?
(a) Eighth grade.
(b) Sixth grade.
(c) Fifth grade.
(d) Seventh grade.

5. How does Nyasha feel about the upcoming school exams?
(a) She is confused.
(b) She is apathetic.
(c) She is amused.
(d) She is terrified.

6. Which of the following characters is NOT blamed by Babamukuru for Nyasha's wild ways?
(a) Nyasha.
(b) Tambu.
(c) Chido.
(d) Maiguru.

7. What happens when students are "screened out"?
(a) They are promoted to a higher grade.
(b) They are sent to a different school in another town.
(c) They are left to repeat their same grade.
(d) They are kicked out of the school.

8. How many people arrive at the homestead to celebrate Babamukuru's arrival?
(a) 44.
(b) 24.
(c) 14.
(d) 34.

9. What does Nyasha feel that the family is turning Babamukuru into?
(a) A monster.
(b) A god.
(c) A hero.
(d) A man.

10. What is the name of the boy who teaches Nyasha new dance steps?
(a) Andy.
(b) Paul.
(c) Johnny.
(d) Dave.

11. How does Tambu's father, Jeremiah, feel about Tambu winning a scholarship?
(a) He is outraged.
(b) He is proud.
(c) He is suspicious.
(d) He is apathetic.

12. Where is Tambu's mother lying when the family first arrives?
(a) In the fields.
(b) In the bedroom.
(c) Near the latrine.
(d) On the kitchen floor.

13. Despite having a latrine, where does Tambu go to the bathroom?
(a) In the river.
(b) In the bushes.
(c) In a bedpan.
(d) She travels to the only flush toilet in town, at the library.

14. How long does Nyasha sleep when she's getting a good night's sleep?
(a) 5-6 hours.
(b) 9-10 hours.
(c) 7-8 hours.
(d) 3-4 hours.

15. With which of the following disorders does Nyasha struggle?
(a) Bulimia.
(b) Anorexia.
(c) Insomnia.
(d) Hemophilia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a topic Tambu's family discusses during their family meeting?

2. What is Babamukuru's only expense at Tambu's new school?

3. Who is the first person Maiguru stays with after leaving Babamukuru?

4. Who makes the final decision to kick Lucia off the homestead?

5. What aspect of the nuns makes Tambu's family nervous?

(see the answer keys)

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