The Neon Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Neon Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dave spend the night after first confronting the General?
(a) His houseboat.
(b) His brother's house.
(c) Annie's house.
(d) The drunk tank.

2. Who describes killing as "There's no rush in the world like it"?
(a) Serial killer.
(b) Cletus.
(c) Murphy.
(d) The General.

3. Dave talks to the General about IPs. What does IP stand for as it is used in "The Neon Rain"?
(a) Invasion of privacy.
(b) Innocent people.
(c) Interesting persons.
(d) Internet protocol.

4. How does Jimmie communicate with Dave from the hospital bed?
(a) Tracing something on Dave's skin.
(b) Tries to talk.
(c) Sign language.
(d) His eyes.

5. Who says, "In a few more weeks we're going to be stringing some green trout"?
(a) Dave.
(b) Captain Guidry.
(c) Cletus.
(d) Annie.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Dave visits Jimmie in the hospital after his trip to Biloxi, it appears to Dave that Jimmie's hands and face are painted with what?

2. Whom does Dave punch in the mouth?

3. Whom does Dave first contact about bringing in one of the men who killed Fitzpatrick?

4. What reason does Dave give Internal Affairs for punching Nate Baxter?

5. Beauvoir is referred to as what in Chapter Ten?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Didi Gee's office located, and what type of businesses are run from there?

2. In Chapter Nine, Dave finally confronts Cletus about turning into a bad cop. How does Cletus respond?

3. In Chapter Eight, when Dave sees Annie's date for the evening, what does he do?

4. What does Annie do and feel when she wakes up to find Dave has gone following their first night together?

5. Dave confronts Philip Murphy and plans to take him back to New Orleans. What is the outcome of this?

6. In Chapter Twelve, Dave says that he is caught in the lens. What does he mean by this?

7. Why does Dave return to the Picayune's morgue in Chapter Twelve?

8. What clue does Andres give Dave about weapons?

9. In Chapter Eleven, Dave tells Annie that he has to hurt her. How does he hurt her?

10. What does Dave tell Captain Guidry about Cletus in Chapter Eleven?

(see the answer keys)

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