Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Medium

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nectar in a Sieve Test | Final Test - Medium

Kamala Purnaiya Taylor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Nathan and Rukmani meet at the Collector's house?
(a) The Collector himself.
(b) Kenny's former wife.
(c) Their son's wife.
(d) The tannery's overseer.

2. Chapter 13 opens by describing an unwelcome event at the farm. What is happening?
(a) The workers are striking.
(b) The rains are not coming.
(c) The neighbors are stealing.
(d) The children are rebelling.

3. At the beginning of Chapter 17, Nathan and Rukmani harvest their crop. What kind of harvest do they have?
(a) The harvest is mostly destroyed by another monsoon.
(b) The harvest is more than enough to pay what they owe.
(c) The harvest is meager.
(d) The harvest is enough to pay their rent, but with nothing left over.

4. How is Ira earning the money she is using to buy food for her brother?
(a) By teaching other villagers to read.
(b) By prostituting herself.
(c) By selling her writings.
(d) By gambling in the tavern.

5. In celebration of almost having enough money to return to the village, what does Rukmani buy in the city for both Puli and for her grandson?
(a) Dum-dum carts.
(b) Fried potatoes.
(c) New blocks.
(d) New shirts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rukmani use for the first time at the doctor's house?

2. What does Old Granny die from?

3. What does Rukmani tell her family regarding Puli?

4. Which of Rukmani's sons is killed at the beginning of Chapter 15?

5. Why does Kenny not help Rukmani when ask. him for food during the drought?

(see the answer keys)

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