Native Speaker Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Native Speaker Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1 & 2 (pages 1-16)

1. Who is Henry?
(a) The protagonist.
(b) No character is named Henry.
(c) A supporting character.
(d) The antagonist.

2. Who is Lelia?
(a) The antagonist's sister.
(b) The antagonist.
(c) The protagonist.
(d) The protagonist's wife.

3. Where was Henry born?
(a) The United States.
(b) Japan.
(c) Vietnam.
(d) Korea.

4. What is Henry's occupation?
(a) He is a professor.
(b) He is a doctor.
(c) He is a novelist.
(d) He is a spy.

5. What is wrong with Henry?
(a) Raising children.
(b) Conflict of identity.
(c) Accepting his family.
(d) Aging.

6. What does Lelia give Henry before she leaves for Europe?
(a) A book.
(b) A folder.
(c) A pamphlet.
(d) A list.

7. What is the tone of the writing Lelia leaves for Henry?
(a) Angry.
(b) Sympathetic.
(c) Cruel.
(d) Kind.

8. Does Henry understand why Lelia left him?
(a) A little.
(b) No.
(c) Yes.
(d) Henry and Leila are not a couple.

9. Is Lelia ever aware of Henry's real profession?
(a) Henry does not have a job.
(b) Maybe.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

10. Where did Henry first meet Lelia?
(a) At the gym.
(b) At a fundraiser.
(c) At a party.
(d) At the bank.

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