Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a common word used in place of telephone?

2. Who is waiting at the police station to be interviewed?

3. Who appears in Dallas' dreams that night?

4. Dallas thinks the reporter's source is which of the following?

5. Dallas learns that Simpson is the victim of _____.

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the anonymous phone call received by Dallas. What is the information received during the phone call? What is the identity of the caller?

2. What information does Dallas receive regarding the death of her elderly neighbor?

3. Discuss the interaction between Dallas and Georgie Castle's daughter Samantha.

4. Roarke introduces Dallas to a room full of special equipment. Discuss the special equipment owned and operated by Roarke.

5. What animal does Dallas find at the scene? Why does the animal seem important?

6. Explain the scene in which Dallas visits Roarke's personal shooting range for the first time.

7. Discuss the purpose of Dallas' trip to see Mavis.

8. What is the purpose of Dallas' trip to see Dr. Mira?

9. What is Dallas's reaction to Feeney's search of Sharon De Blass' financial information?

10. What is Roarke's reaction to the interview? Who steps in to defend Dallas?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Write a short story from Mavis Freestone's point of view regarding her first meeting with Dallas. How do the two women become friends? Do the women have anything in common at all? If so, what? How might Mavis fit in to Dallas' new life with Roarke? How has the life of each character changed since they met?

Essay Topic 2

Dallas has frequent and violent nightmares about her father, being abused, and the hotel room in Dallas. Write an essay explaining Dallas' violent and traumatic childhood. What happens to Dallas' parents? Why is she so badly abused? Who ends up raising Dallas? What is the girl's real name? How does the experience change Eve? How do the circumstances affect her in the De Blass case? Do you think Dallas is able to overcome her childhood traumas? Explain. How could she stop the nightmares?

Essay Topic 3

Naked in Death is staged in New York City in 2058. Examine why Roberts chooses to set the story in that particular location and time period. What are the biggest telltale signs that the story takes place in the future? What items are present in the story that are not currently invented or in common usage in today's world? Do you think the situations, events, and equipment are feasible and realistic for 2058? Explain. What else might be added to the story to make it seem even more futuristic? Are there any elements that seem out of place? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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