Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Naked in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following makes an anonymous call to Dallas?
(a) Catherine.
(b) Nadine.
(c) Mavis.
(d) Delia.

2. What information does the reporter give to Dallas?
(a) Security tapes.
(b) A telephone number.
(c) Her own notes.
(d) An address.

3. What does Dallas use to trace the latest weapon?
(a) Serial number.
(b) Bullet type.
(c) Striations.
(d) Manufacturer.

4. How many killers does Dallas think are involved?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

5. What is the cause of death of the old man?
(a) Stabbed.
(b) Shot.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Poison.

6. How many years has the couple been divorced?
(a) 2.
(b) 10.
(c) 4.
(d) 14.

7. What valuable item did Dallas find in Sharon's hiding place?
(a) Stolen jewelry.
(b) Video.
(c) Financial statements.
(d) Diaries.

8. What is the surname of the determined reporter at the press conference?
(a) Monroe.
(b) Williams.
(c) Colby.
(d) Furst.

9. Who is the owner of the murder weapon?
(a) Dallas.
(b) Feeney.
(c) Roarke.
(d) De Blass.

10. What is the cop's rank?
(a) Sergeant.
(b) Lieutenant.
(c) Corporal.
(d) Captain.

11. What is the reason that the elderly woman poisoned her husband?
(a) He was abusive.
(b) He ate all the baked goods.
(c) He snored.
(d) He worked too much.

12. What color is the victim's pet?
(a) White.
(b) Gray.
(c) Striped.
(d) Black.

13. Dallas learns that Simpson is the victim of _____.
(a) Blackmail.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Insurance fraud.
(d) Dementia.

14. What is the occupation of Elizabeth Barrister?
(a) Homemaker.
(b) Painter.
(c) Musician.
(d) Lawyer.

15. What is the name of the police psychiatrist?
(a) Mira.
(b) Ramsey.
(c) Billings.
(d) Whitmer.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is in charge of the press conference?

2. Dallas compares Summerset's voice to which food?

3. What is the name of the facility where the gun had been purchased?

4. What is the older woman's profession?

5. What type of meeting is Roarke attending while he's away?

(see the answer keys)

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