Mythology Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mythology Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Procris was happily married to Cephalus, until one day Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, ____________.
(a) Killed him.
(b) Killed her.
(c) Turned them against each other.
(d) Took him away for herself.

2. The teeth turned into ______, who fought until five remained?
(a) Armed warriors.
(b) Nymphs.
(c) Little dragons.
(d) Ninjas.

3. Arachne claimed she could __________ better than the goddess Minerva.
(a) Weave.
(b) Sing.
(c) Dance.
(d) Play the lute.

4. The House of Thebes was in many ways as unlucky as the House of Atreus, but their troubles seemed ________.
(a) Much worse.
(b) Not as bad.
(c) A lot less deserved.
(d) Much more deserved.

5. Later, Midas was given ___________ by Apollo for siding with Pan instead of Apollo in a music contest.
(a) Elephant ears.
(b) A pig's snout.
(c) Asses' ears.
(d) A pig's tail.

6. Midas was a king rewarded by ______________ with any gift he chose.
(a) Dionysius.
(b) Apollo.
(c) Bacchus.
(d) Mercury.

7. What form did Tereus take?
(a) An ugly bird with a huge beak.
(b) An ugly bear.
(c) An ugly alligator.
(d) An ugly praying mantis.

8. Queen __________ welcomed Aeneas' group.
(a) Delacroix.
(b) Deloris.
(c) Diana.
(d) Dido.

9. The gods were furious and sent him to ______________, a section for punishment in the underworld.
(a) Tartar.
(b) Titanium.
(c) Tarrantala.
(d) Tartarus.

10. __________ was a beautiful nymph who was loved by a sea god called Glaucus.
(a) Sigbin.
(b) Sceadugenga.
(c) Scylla.
(d) Syragh.

11. Aurora, goddess of ___________, loved a mortal named Tithonus.
(a) The dawn.
(b) The night.
(c) Dusk.
(d) The evening.

12. Who were Atreus' children?
(a) Menelaus and Agamemnon.
(b) Moschus and Apollodorus.
(c) Moppian and Aratus.
(d) Mimnermus and Antimachus.

13. The story of Agamemnon shows how terrible acts could cause what?
(a) Problems for an entire city or nation.
(b) Punishment from the gods on the individual performing these terrible acts.
(c) A form religious pollution.
(d) Disease.

14. With whom did Agamemnon's wife have an affair?
(a) Her brother-in-law Aegisthus.
(b) Her cousin Aegisthus.
(c) His cousin Aegisthus.
(d) Her neighbor Aegisthus.

15. This king had been told in a prophecy that his daughter Lavinia was destined to marry __________, and he believed this referred to Aeneas.
(a) A stranger.
(b) A neighbor.
(c) Her cousin.
(d) A Greek.

Short Answer Questions

1. Procne became a ______________ that sang mournfully for her dead son whom she now regretted killing.

2. These two sisters had __________ nieces.

3. Cadmus founded the city of ___________ by killing a dragon and sowing its teeth.

4. The society Aeneas founded would one day flourish into ___________.

5. This chapter describes a series of myths concerning the earliest kings and queens of Athens before who became king?

(see the answer keys)

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