My Louisiana Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

My Louisiana Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Corrina when Tiger returns home?
(a) In bed.
(b) Picking peas.
(c) At the grocery.
(d) Watching TV.

2. Who is Aunt Dorie Kay's maid?
(a) Maddie.
(b) Liddy.
(c) Magnolia.
(d) Iris.

3. Shorty and Milton mock Lonnie when he tells Mrs. Thompson that ____________________.
(a) a storm is coming.
(b) he was a champion wrestler.
(c) he can hold his breath for four minutes.
(d) he once drove a race car.

4. What is Tiger's demeanor during Granny's funeral?
(a) She does not cry.
(b) She does not attend.
(c) She faints.
(d) She can't stop sobbing.

5. What one thing does Aunt Dorie Kay regret not doing in her life?
(a) Going to college.
(b) Going on a cruise.
(c) Getting married to her childhood sweetheart.
(d) Resolving her relationship with Granny before Granny's death.

6. Why does Magnolia not sit next to Tiger on the bus?
(a) There were no double seats left.
(b) She wanted her own seat to spread out on.
(c) She got motion sickness if she sat too close to the front.
(d) Black people had to sit at the back of the bus.

7. For what does Jesse Wade apologize to Tiger?
(a) Not coming over sooner.
(b) Kissing her.
(c) Not bringing flowers.
(d) Not taking her to the swimming party.

8. Who are the two nursery workers who make fun of Lonnie?
(a) Shorty and Mack.
(b) Spud and Mack.
(c) Shorty and Milton.
(d) Sammy and Milton.

9. What does Aunt Dorie Kay not want Tiger to have to worry about?
(a) Fixing meals.
(b) Paying bills.
(c) Working in the garden.
(d) Cleaning the house.

10. How did Tiger almost get hurt while in Baton Rouge?
(a) She tripped over a sidewalk grate.
(b) She ran across a busy street unaware of the traffic.
(c) She fell down a set of stairs.
(d) She set the hair dryer too high.

11. Why does Tiger wash Corrina's hair when she gets home?
(a) Tiger just wants to pamper her mother a little.
(b) Corrina hasn't showered for days.
(c) Corrina asked her for help.
(d) Corrina has a cast on her arm and it has to stay dry.

12. Where does Tiger go to get away from people after the funeral?
(a) The woods.
(b) Her bedroom.
(c) The barn.
(d) The creek.

13. What name does Aunt Dorie Kay want Tiger to go by when in the city?
(a) Beth.
(b) Kenzie.
(c) Ann.
(d) Sara.

14. What does Tiger notice about the soda shop?
(a) It is bright and gleaming.
(b) Everyone in it has white skin.
(c) It is very crowded.
(d) It is closed.

15. What three items does Tiger leave hanging on the clothesline?
(a) Swim suits.
(b) Bath towels.
(c) Pillow cases.
(d) Sunbonnets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lonnie suggest to Mrs. Thompson that they should do before the storm hits?

2. When does Aunt Dorie Kay tell Tiger that she will bring her back to Baton Rouge?

3. What is Aunt Dorie Kay's response when Tiger asks her if she has a boyfriend?

4. At Aunt Dorie Kay's apartment, Tiger is impressed by the swimming pool and the __________________.

5. What does Magnolia tell Tiger about Tiger's role in the family?

(see the answer keys)

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