Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does each person place the leaf with the aim to re-create the leaf?
(a) on their abdomen.
(b) in their palm.
(c) into the ground.
(d) balanced on their head.

2. What lesson does the kangaroo teach?
(a) to keep going.
(b) to move forward.
(c) to stay close to your children.
(d) to skip over problems.

3. During the tribal ceremony what is the author asked to embody the spirit and way of?
(a) kangaroo.
(b) falcon.
(c) kookaburra.
(d) koola bear.

4. According to Ooota, what is regarded as neither greater or lesser than any other?
(a) truth.
(b) beauty.
(c) talent.
(d) faith.

5. What does the authors dream mean, according to Spirit Woman?
(a) her life is static and unmoving.
(b) her life is fragile.
(c) her life will undergo signifcant change.
(d) her life is a blessing and a curse.

6. What talent does Spirit Woman reveal to the author?
(a) care for children.
(b) heal the sick.
(c) interpret dreams.
(d) write songs.

7. Which member of the tribe makes the offer for his talent to connect with large beasts be used?
(a) Female Healer.
(b) Large Animal Man.
(c) Kindred to Large Animals.
(d) Spirit Animal.

8. How do The Real People sit after an evening meal?
(a) on rocks.
(b) in a circle.
(c) under the trees.
(d) spread out.

9. What lesson does the dolphin teach?
(a) courage.
(b) joy.
(c) bravery.
(d) strength.

10. What spiritual man do the tribes people discuss, whose presence, name, and mission are known to the tribe?
(a) Krishna.
(b) Jesus.
(c) Buddha.
(d) Mohammed.

11. What does that author feel after the tribe has lost most of their belongings?
(a) a yearning for what was lost.
(b) a lack of attachment.
(c) a sudden emptiness.
(d) a cry for help.

12. What does the author hallucinate about on the third day without water, food, or shelter?
(a) the tribal members unkindness.
(b) her childhood and family.
(c) her friends back home.
(d) her health deteriorating.

13. What lesson does the soaring falcon teach?
(a) to glide through life.
(b) to contemplate more.
(c) to look at the bigger picture.
(d) to study life.

14. What does the cave represent?
(a) the solidarity of each life.
(b) the inescapable presence of the Oneness.
(c) the interconnection of all people, actions, and events.
(d) the power of the underworld.

15. Who sits across from the author that she ends up writing about?
(a) Female Healer.
(b) Medicine Man.
(c) Sewing Master.
(d) Great Stone Hunter.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the tribe respond when the author says she's suffering from dehydration?

2. What force of nature envelopes the tribe, separates them, injures some, and washes away many of their belongings?

3. What object stays tantalizingly out of walking distance?

4. What does the author create that the tribe has great fun using?

5. Which memebers of the tribe does the author stay up and talk with after being too intrigued about the message she must take back to the Mutant World?

(see the answer keys)

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