Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mutant Message Down Under Test | Final Test - Easy

Marlo Morgan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which memebers of the tribe does the author stay up and talk with after being too intrigued about the message she must take back to the Mutant World?
(a) Female Healer and Medicine Man.
(b) Kindred to Large Animals and Ooota.
(c) Ooota and Peace Maker.
(d) Great Stone Hunter and Spirit Woman.

2. How is the flock of large and brightly colored birds killed?
(a) boomerang.
(b) storm.
(c) net.
(d) shot gun.

3. What does the authors dream mean, according to Spirit Woman?
(a) her life is a blessing and a curse.
(b) her life is fragile.
(c) her life will undergo signifcant change.
(d) her life is static and unmoving.

4. How does the tribe communicate with the four camels they encounter?
(a) animal calls.
(b) physical motions.
(c) weapons and devices.
(d) telepathy.

5. What is the core experience of all Mutants?
(a) love.
(b) hate.
(c) peace.
(d) fear.

6. What are totems reminders of?
(a) anscestry.
(b) saints.
(c) god force.
(d) navigation.

7. What lesson does the kangaroo teach?
(a) to keep going.
(b) to stay close to your children.
(c) to skip over problems.
(d) to move forward.

8. What do the tribes people hold up and announce they have found the perfect container for the mutant who is addicted to water?
(a) camel bladder.
(b) large hooves.
(c) large leaves.
(d) sturdy hides.

9. How long does it take the tribe to decide whether or not the gifts of Time Keeper and Memory Keeper are to be shared with the mutant?
(a) one.
(b) five.
(c) four.
(d) three.

10. Where do the members of the tribe hold a concert?
(a) by the river.
(b) at their camp.
(c) in a canyon.
(d) in a valley.

11. What has happened to most of the sacred sites of the Aborigine people?
(a) they have been overtaken by mutants.
(b) they have been vandalized.
(c) they have been restored.
(d) they have eroded.

12. What is among the grove of trees as the tribe walks?
(a) soggy marsh.
(b) twisted and tangled branches.
(c) ornate spider webs.
(d) rock formations.

13. What animal does the tribe draw in the sand and say is the author's totem?
(a) cheetah.
(b) lion.
(c) leopard.
(d) rabbit.

14. What talent does Spirit Woman reveal to the author?
(a) write songs.
(b) heal the sick.
(c) interpret dreams.
(d) care for children.

15. What does that author feel after the tribe has lost most of their belongings?
(a) a lack of attachment.
(b) a yearning for what was lost.
(c) a cry for help.
(d) a sudden emptiness.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the tribe agree is their camel prey, according to their telepathy skills?

2. Which member f the tribe leads the morning prayer ritual?

3. What does the author see in the distance that is completely out of place in the flatness of the desert?

4. Where has the author heard the story that Story Teller has told her before?

5. Where is the author led after the decision is made by the tribe?

(see the answer keys)

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