The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. James gives Poirot what?
(a) A newspaper article to read.
(b) A letter from Miss Russell.
(c) A letter from Flora.
(d) His manuscript containing case facts.

2. What do James and Poirot ask Mr. Hammond about?
(a) How well he personally knew Mrs. Ferrars
(b) Mr. Ackroyd's financial records
(c) Mrs. Ferrars' financial records
(d) How well he personally knew Mr. Ackroyd

3. Why does Poirot think the chair was pulled out?
(a) To block the door
(b) To keep whatever was on the table from view
(c) To block the window
(d) To cover a blood stain

4. Who do the police say is a drug user?
(a) Flora
(b) Mrs. Ackroyd
(c) Charles Kent
(d) Ralph

5. What major discovery do James and Poirot make about Charles Kent?
(a) He is Mr. Ackroyd's son.
(b) He is Miss Russell's son.
(c) He is Mrs. Ackroyd's son.
(d) He is Mr. and Mrs. Ferrars' son.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of the following people, who did Ursula have a major fight with the day of the murder?

2. Poirot tells James that he knows James arranged the phone call because of what?

3. James seems unconcerned by Poirot's accusations and even does what during the exchange?

4. Where did Ralph go into hiding?

5. Ursula insisted on telling whom about the marriage, after she heard the announcement of Ralph and Flora's engagement?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty-four, Poirot unexpectedly produces Ralph at the meeting, saying what about Ralph's whereabouts during the time he was missing?

2. As a result of Mr. Ackroyd announcing Ralph's engagement to Flora, what did Ursula do?

3. Who do James and Poirot find crying in James' house, and what important thing does Poirot do at that point?

4. In Chapter Twenty-one, what does Poirot ask James to do, regarding people at Fernly Park?

5. What does Raymond reveal to James and Poirot, in Chapter Fifteen?

6. What suggestions do James and Caroline make about Flora's love life, in Chapter Sixteen?

7. Who do James and Caroline invite over, in Chapter Sixteen, and why?

8. What idea does Poirot have about why Charles Kent went to Fernly Park the night of the murder?

9. What does Poirot say about the moved chair, in Chapter Twenty-five?

10. Poirot makes it known that he thinks James is guilty and offers James what way out?

(see the answer keys)

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