The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Miss Gannet tell James that Mrs. Ferrars and Mr. Ackroyd broke off their engagement?
(a) Mrs. Ferrars was a gambler.
(b) Mr. Ackroyd was planning to move away.
(c) Mrs. Ferrars had an addiction to sleeping pills.
(d) Mrs. Ferrars planned to see someone else.

2. Poirot tells whom that the quill from the summer house might have been used for taking heroin?
(a) Raymond
(b) Flora
(c) James
(d) Caroline

3. Who has become close friends with Mrs. Ferrars?
(a) Roger Ackroyd
(b) Rodney Appleton
(c) Robert Avery
(d) Ralph Applewood

4. Whose shoes do the prints outside the window match?
(a) Ralph's
(b) Blunt's
(c) Raymond's
(d) Parker's

5. Mrs. Ackroyd's son's name from a previous marriage is?
(a) Ralph Peterson
(b) Ralph Preston
(c) Ralph Paton
(d) Ralph Prescott

6. As Chapter Thirteen opens, Poirot invites whom to dinner?
(a) Flora
(b) Caroline
(c) James
(d) Mrs. Ackroyd

7. Who is murdered at Fernly Park, according to Parker?
(a) Miss Russell
(b) Caroline
(c) Mr. Ackroyd
(d) Mrs. Ferrars

8. What is Flora's reaction to Mr. Ackroyd's death?
(a) She screamed
(b) Calmness
(c) She fainted
(d) Denial

9. Who owns Fernly Park?
(a) Roger Ackroyd
(b) Donald Adams
(c) Robert Ackroyd
(d) David Adams

10. Who tells James that Ralph is in town?
(a) Caroline
(b) Mr. Poirot
(c) Miss Flora
(d) Miss Russell

11. How does Caroline find out about Mrs. Ferrars?
(a) The maid and mailman
(b) The milkman and mailman
(c) The maid and milkman
(d) The delivery boy and maid

12. Why does the officer take the murder weapon to the billiard room?
(a) To question Raymond
(b) To question James
(c) To find where it came from
(d) To set up the murderer

13. Caroline feels terribly suspicious about Miss Russell for what reason that James dismisses?
(a) Miss Russell was asking about drugs and poisons.
(b) Miss Russell might own the ring that was found in an earlier chapter.
(c) Miss Russell was seen outside the night of the murder.
(d) Miss Russell was caught in a lie.

14. What is James told about inquiries at the train station?
(a) The station was not busy that night, so they expect inquiries to be successful.
(b) The station was busy that night, so inquiries may be unsuccessful.
(c) There are no plans to make any inquiries.
(d) Inquiries are already being made.

15. Who does Poirot ask to help him question Blunt?
(a) Parker
(b) James
(c) Hammond
(d) Flora

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the parlor maid's name?

2. Who is Hector Blunt?

3. Where was the dagger usually kept?

4. Caroline gives Poirot what?

5. What was the unusual stranger there for?

(see the answer keys)

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