Much Ado about Nothing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Much Ado about Nothing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does the constable of Messina tell the night watch they are responsible for?
(a) Subjects of the prince.
(b) Italians.
(c) Citizens of Messina.
(d) Anyone within their sight.

2. What does Hero ask Beatrice about when she comes to help Hero get ready for the wedding?
(a) Her opinion of her dress.
(b) Her advice for marriage.
(c) Her feelings about Claudio.
(d) Her feelings about Benedick.

3. What is the first question that the constable of Messina asks his new assistant constable?
(a) If he knows the people of the town.
(b) If he can read or right.
(c) If he has ever broken the law.
(d) If he is from Messina.

4. What does Verges say once Leonato has left the scene on the morning of Hero's wedding?
(a) He hoped to be able to attend the wedding as well.
(b) He must be very careful in his examination.
(c) He is honored in his new duty.
(d) He wishes Leonato had taken him more seriously.

5. What has happened to the man who paid Borachio for his part in the plot to dishonor Hero?
(a) He is being held at Leonato's house.
(b) He has been challenged to a dual.
(c) He has left town.
(d) He has been arrested.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the person willing to pay Borachio for his part in the plot to dishonor Hero?

2. Why are the night watch told to put special watch on Leonato's house?

3. What does Borachio hear has happened to Hero as a result to the plot to dishonor her?

4. What does Leonato say he would prefer to a slandered daughter?

5. What is Claudio planning to do at his wedding?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Balthasar do to mourn Hero's death?

2. Why does Beatrice say that she and Benedick cannot use the traditional form of wooing?

3. What does Hero say she thinks may happen during her wedding?

4. What question does Dogberry ask Seacoal when choosing him for his night guard?

5. What does Hero scold Margaret for on the morning of her wedding?

6. What does Claudio think Hero has died of?

7. What does Leonato tell his unexpected visitors to do as he leaves to attend his daughter's wedding?

8. What does Dogberry tell his men on the night guard to do at the alehouses?

9. Who are the two suspects that Dogberry and Verges must interrogate?

10. What does the Friar tell Hero to pretend to do as part of his plan to prove her innocence?

(see the answer keys)

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