Much Ado about Nothing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Much Ado about Nothing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first question the Prince has for Leonato when they first converse?
(a) If he and his men can stay at his home for a time.
(b) If Hero is his daughter.
(c) If he has had news about his enemies.
(d) If he needs money.

2. How did Borachio learn of Claudio's love for Hero?
(a) He got the gossip from the servants at Leonato's house.
(b) He overheard a conversation at Leonato's house.
(c) He pretended to be a friend of Claudio's.
(d) He stole a letter written by Claudio.

3. Why does Hero say Beatrice will never love anyone while Beatrice is eavesdropping?
(a) She is too disdainful and vain.
(b) She has been hurt too many times before.
(c) She is nervous and fearful.
(d) She has too much anger in her heart.

4. What does Hero say she will ensnare Beatrice in with her trickery about Benedick?
(a) A snare of hope.
(b) A net of love.
(c) A trap of flattery.
(d) A cage of narcissism.

5. How does Benedick speak to Beatrice when they meet in the orchard?
(a) He says very little.
(b) He mimics everything she says to him.
(c) He is coarse and rude to her.
(d) He is overly kind.

6. Who wants to marry Hero?
(a) Benedick.
(b) Claudio.
(c) Don John.
(d) Don Pedro.

7. What does Don John want to punish Claudio for?
(a) Gaining more approval from Don Pedro than himself.
(b) Being a better soldier than himself.
(c) Pursuing the girl he had set his eyes on.
(d) Being happy.

8. Who does Don Pedro say he got his information about Beatrice from when he is in the orchard with Claudio?
(a) Ursula.
(b) Leonato.
(c) Hero.
(d) Beatrice.

9. What does Don John tell Borachio he wishes would happen at the party at Leonato's house?
(a) A large fight would break out.
(b) The food would be poisoned.
(c) The weather would make it impossible to happen.
(d) The wine would be too strong.

10. What does Benedick ask his servant to retrieve for him when he is walking in the orchard?
(a) His pipe.
(b) A book.
(c) His hat.
(d) A pen and some paper.

11. What will the new plan to break up Hero and Claudio do to Hero?
(a) Show her true nature.
(b) Ruin her reputation.
(c) Break her heart.
(d) Put her in prison.

12. Who will be most hurt by the new plan to break up Claudio and Hero?
(a) Hero.
(b) Claudio.
(c) Beatrice.
(d) Leonato.

13. Whom does Hero choose to help her in convincing Beatrice that Benedick loves her?
(a) Margaret.
(b) Claudio.
(c) Leonato.
(d) Ursula.

14. What does Don John tell Conrade he will never be able to build with other people?
(a) Respect.
(b) Trust.
(c) Love.
(d) Believability.

15. What is the song sung in the orchard about?
(a) Friendship.
(b) Love.
(c) War.
(d) Infidelity.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Leonato react the way he does to Antonio's mistaken idea about Don Pedro?

2. What does Benedick tell Beatrice she has when they first converse together in this play?

3. What does Leonato arrange for when Antonio leaves after conversing about Don Pedro?

4. Who does Don John want to witness the new plan to break up Claudio and Hero?

5. What does Don Pedro say in the orchard that is incredibly surprising to Benedick?

(see the answer keys)

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