Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Head
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ann Head
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do July and her siblings do together on the night before July's wedding?
(a) They watch a movie.
(b) They make cookies.
(c) They go bowling.
(d) They play board games.

2. What does Mr. Jones think Bo Jo should be wearing when he comes home?
(a) Football gear.
(b) A suit and tie.
(c) Jeans and a t-shirt.
(d) A work uniform.

3. Where does July plan to go after high school?
(a) A college in England.
(b) A college on the west coast.
(c) A college in the Midwest.
(d) A college in New England.

4. Where do July and Bo Jo have sex for the first time?
(a) In July's bedroom.
(b) On a beach.
(c) In a hotel.
(d) In a car.

5. What is Mrs. Jones upset that July doesn't know how to do?
(a) Make a bed.
(b) Clean a toilet.
(c) Darn a sock.
(d) Make a casserole.

6. What kind of apartment does July's mother find for Bo Jo and July?
(a) A penthouse apartment.
(b) A studio apartment.
(c) A basement apartment.
(d) A garage apartment.

7. What kind of night is it at The Reef?
(a) High school seniors night.
(b) Half-price night.
(c) Karaoke night.
(d) Open mic night.

8. How many friends accompany Bo Jo and July to The Reef?
(a) Two.
(b) Six.
(c) Eight.
(d) Three.

9. How does Mr. Jones greet Bo Jo and July when they arrive at Bo Jo's house to stay?
(a) Affectionately.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Politely.
(d) Coldly.

10. After moving into their apartment, what does July do when Bo Jo doesn't ask her to go out with him?
(a) Slaps him in the face.
(b) Slams the door in his face.
(c) Breaks a plate.
(d) Calls her mother.

11. What does the plaque that Mrs. Jones gives to the newlyweds say?
(a) "Home Sweet Home."
(b) "Bless This Mess."
(c) "The Joneses."
(d) "God Bless This Home."

12. What does July do in the bathroom at The Reef?
(a) July cries.
(b) July changes her clothes.
(c) July yells at Alice.
(d) July throws up.

13. What job does July's father offer Bo Jo?
(a) A job in a company mail room.
(b) A job as a gardener.
(c) A job at a gas station.
(d) A job at his bank.

14. While arguing, what does Bo Jo say he and July need to start doing?
(a) Saving money.
(b) Sleeping separately.
(c) Eating better food.
(d) Acting like normal teenagers.

15. What grade is Mary Ann's boyfriend in?
(a) Eleventh grade.
(b) Tenth grade.
(c) He is already in college.
(d) Twelfth grade.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do Bo Jo and July stay in a hotel room after telling July's parents of her marriage?

2. What do Bo Jo and July promise after they have sex?

3. Why does July want Bo Jo to get a job?

4. After moving into their apartment, why does Bo Jo tell July he is going out?

5. What is not written on the gift July is given after her wedding?

(see the answer keys)

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