The Mousetrap Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mousetrap Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mollie asks Mrs. Boyle about her former job as a:

2. What item does Mollie carry down the hallway?

3. What was the victim's real last name?

4. What delays Trotter?

5. Who complains about the music being too loud?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are the Corrigans and how do they related to the story?

2. The snow reminds Miss Casewell of disturbing things. Describe Miss Casewell's thoughts.

3. Trotter finally manages to get some information from Miss Casewell. How long has Miss Casewell been in England? Where was she staying before she returned to the United Kingdom?

4. Mollie and Giles have a lovers' quarrel in the kitchen, witnessed in part by Paravicini. What is the cause for the quarrel? How is it resolved?

5. What are the issues the Ralstons are having with the heating system?

6. What is the purpose of reenacting the scene just before Mrs. Boyle was killed? Would it make more sense to reenact the crime? Explain.

7. Mollie tells Mrs. Boyle about Christopher Wren's profession. What does Mollie say and how does Mrs. Boyle react?

8. What is Mrs. Lyon's alleged connection to Monkswell Manor?

9. It is revealed that Major Metcalf is also using an alias. Who is Metcalf really? Where is the real Major Metcalf? Is there a real Major Metcalf?

10. What are Mollie's comments regarding the quality of the guests at the manor?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The tune to "Three Blind Mice" is used throughout the story. What references are connected to the tune? Why is the tune so upsetting to Mollie? Why is it so well liked by Paravicini and Wren? What is your opinion of the tune? Of the rhyme? Is the tune/rhyme appropriate for the play?

Essay Topic 2

Christopher Wren is obsessed with nursery rhymes. What is the obsession? What is Wren's explanation of why he enjoys nursery rhymes? Which is Wren's favorite? Which is your favorite? "Three Blind Mice" is rumored to be about what famous execution? Who was responsible for the execution?

Essay Topic 3

From the start, Giles Ralston and Christopher Wren clash. Explain why the two men do not get along. Is the animosity mutual? What might have caused it? Compare and contrast Giles and Wren.

(see the answer keys)

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