The Mousetrap Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mousetrap Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the hotel where Miss Casewell was staying?
(a) Westchester
(b) Leamington
(c) Kensington
(d) Bournemouth

2. Mrs. Boyle objects to which item of Wren's clothing?
(a) Socks
(b) Tie
(c) Pants
(d) Coat

3. Scene two begins at what time of the day?
(a) Midnight
(b) Late afternoon
(c) Early evening
(d) Early morning

4. According to Major Metcalf, which animal would be delighted?
(a) Puppy
(b) Lion
(c) Canary
(d) Tabby

5. What item is Giles wearing when he enters the house?
(a) Overcoat
(b) Sunglasses
(c) Scarf
(d) Wellingtons

6. What item does Paravicini drop?
(a) Brick
(b) Tea cup
(c) Poker
(d) Fork

7. What was the postmark on the correspondence from Wren?
(a) Hampstead
(b) East London
(c) White Chapel
(d) Kensington

8. Trotter is attempting to prevent what act?
(a) Murder
(b) Arson
(c) Embezzlement
(d) Espionage

9. Who is the only guest to arrive without reservations?
(a) Christopher Wren
(b) Mr. Paravicini
(c) Major Metcalf
(d) Miss Casewell

10. According to Mrs. Boyle, the policeman lacks:
(a) Courtesy
(b) Brains
(c) Manners
(d) Training

11. On the radio the announcer is speaking about which emotion?
(a) Fear
(b) Sorrow
(c) Anger
(d) Animosity

12. According to Mrs. Boyle, when should the housework be completed?
(a) After bedtime
(b) In the early morning
(c) Before tea
(d) Before lunch

13. What is Mrs. Boyle doing at the beginning of the scene?
(a) Writing
(b) Drinking tea
(c) Complaining
(d) Knitting

14. According to Mrs. Boyle England has:
(a) Withered
(b) Exploded
(c) Thrived
(d) Gone downhill

15. To what does the note refer?
(a) Children
(b) Scotland Yard
(c) Monkswell Manor
(d) Sewer rats

Short Answer Questions

1. What topic holds no interest for Miss Casewell?

2. Which term is not used to describe Mollie?

3. What causes Mrs. Boyle to leave the room?

4. Mrs. Boyle refers to Miss Casewell as a:

5. In what room are the pipes frozen?

(see the answer keys)

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