Mother Teresa, in My Own Words Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Teresa, in My Own Words Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mother Teresa wants humanity to decide that no one should ever feel _______ during his/her life.
(a) Sick.
(b) Abandoned.
(c) Overwhelmed.
(d) Tired.

2. The Vatican opened up a home for the sick and the dying in Rome and called it the Gift of ____________.
(a) Margaret.
(b) Mary.
(c) John.
(d) Jesus.

3. The worst suffering in the world is to feel ________ and unloved, according to the work of Mother Teresa.
(a) Hopeless.
(b) Poor.
(c) Alone.
(d) Suicidal.

4. Life is God's gift, said Mother Teresa and it is present in the ____________, according to the book.
(a) Praying.
(b) Honorable.
(c) Unborn.
(d) Faithful.

5. Suffering offers people a chance to show _______ to others and to become better people as a whole, Mother Teresa thinks.
(a) Love.
(b) Compassion.
(c) Truth.
(d) Peace.

6. Someone suffers in every ___________, according to Mother Teresa, not just the poor.
(a) Group.
(b) Family.
(c) Country.
(d) Book.

7. The sisters have to _________ every single day in India or else the people will not have anything to eat.
(a) Work.
(b) Come.
(c) Harvest.
(d) Cook.

8. Mother Teresa states that a person's life will be judged by the way that he/she ___________.
(a) Cared.
(b) Believed.
(c) Followed.
(d) Loved.

9. Mother Teresa sees the alienation that the poor experience to be similar to the suffering and the isolation that __________ suffered.
(a) Peter.
(b) John.
(c) Jesus.
(d) Job.

10. Mother Teresa feels that those who believe in God will be guaranteed the ability to do __________ things than he did.
(a) Greater.
(b) Fewer.
(c) Faithful.
(d) Boring.

11. Dying in ________ with God is the greatest thing in any human life, according to Mother Teresa.
(a) Poverty.
(b) Ruins.
(c) Truth.
(d) Peace.

12. Mother Teresa believes people should slow down their lives in order to give to others, especially to _________.
(a) Sisters.
(b) Family.
(c) Poor women.
(d) Children.

13. Mother Teresa does not believe it is her calling to judge ______ and she is not qualified to condemn anyone.
(a) Children.
(b) Men.
(c) Institutions.
(d) Churches.

14. ___________ is a good role model for familial obedience, according to Mother Teresa, as she says in her writings.
(a) Jesus.
(b) Saul.
(c) Job.
(d) Peter.

15. God does ___________ sin, though a person should always try to not sin again, according to Mother Teresa.
(a) Forgive.
(b) Forget.
(c) Ignore.
(d) Create.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mother Teresa didn't want the children of an Indian woman to be taken away because of the mother's ___________.

2. The first person to welcome Jesus into the world was John the Baptist, or a man in the __________.

3. What did Mother Teresa use in order to build homes for the poor when she was in India?

4. God wants people to do small things with great _________, according to Mother Teresa.

5. Mother Teresa recalls the story of a person who was living alone in __________, only to die alone in his/her apartment.

(see the answer keys)

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