The Mosquito Coast Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mosquito Coast Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Charlie and Jerry build when they have to spend the night in the jungle?
(a) A lean-to.
(b) A raft.
(c) An ice plant.
(d) A tunnel.

2. What time is it when Mr. Haddy visits Charlie to give him a package?
(a) Two o'clock in the morning.
(b) Noon.
(c) Eight o'clock in the evening.
(d) Midnight.

3. What kind of animals attack Allie?
(a) Crabs.
(b) Vultures.
(c) Jellyfish.
(d) Dogs.

4. How many white men do Allie and his party see in the Indian village?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Four.

5. What location is Allie talking about when he is telling his party about dirty silverware and bad meals?
(a) Southeast Asia.
(b) North Africa.
(c) Southern United States.
(d) Eastern Europe.

6. What are the Spellgoods eating when Charlie and Jerry see them through their window?
(a) Ice cream.
(b) Cereal.
(c) Birthday cake.
(d) Cookies.

7. Where does Allie let the white men sleep?
(a) In Mr. Haddy's house.
(b) In his bed.
(c) In the Maywit's house.
(d) In the ice plant.

8. How far do the Foxes drive in the vehicle they steal from the Spellgoods?
(a) Twenty-two miles.
(b) Twenty-eight miles.
(c) Forty miles.
(d) Thirty-six miles.

9. According to Charlie, yautias are as tasty as what vegetable?
(a) Carrots.
(b) Celery.
(c) Peas.
(d) Asparagus.

10. What does Mr. Haddy bring to Charlie that he doesn't want Allie to know about?
(a) Tomatoes and corn.
(b) Spark plugs and oil.
(c) A new boat.
(d) Allie's watch.

11. Where on Allie's body has he been shot?
(a) His leg.
(b) His neck.
(c) His chest.
(d) His arm.

12. Where do the Miskito clan ask the Foxes if they are going?
(a) El Cerro.
(b) Saguay.
(c) Moreno.
(d) Guampu.

13. Why is Allie's death news to the people on the beach?
(a) He has four children.
(b) He is not very old.
(c) He is white.
(d) He is American.

14. According to Charlie's narration, when does Jeronimo get the coldest?
(a) An hour before dawn.
(b) Midnight.
(c) An hour after the sun comes up.
(d) An hour after the sun goes down.

15. When Charlie states that the Honduran jungle looks desolate, what city does Allie say Charlie has never seen?
(a) Los Angeles.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Mexico City.
(d) St. Louis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Allie set fire to in Chapter 29?

2. What does the family live on while Allie is paralyzed?

3. How long does it take the Foxes to get from the Miskito village to Guampu?

4. When the white men show up in Jeronimo, what do they have with them?

5. Where do the Foxes travel after Laguna Miskita floods?

(see the answer keys)

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