Moonraker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why isn't the Moonraker project postponed until it is discovered what Tallon was concerned about?
(a) There isn't enough evidence to stop the project.
(b) The engineers on the project have to leave for another assignment.
(c) Drax threatens to withdraw his financial support if the project is postponed.
(d) The countdown for the test launch has started and cannot be stopped.

2. How does Bond respond when Drax convinces him to continue the card game?
(a) Bond looks Drax directly in the eye.
(b) Bond signals to M.
(c) Bond asks the club chairman for an advance.
(d) Bond disagrees with the terms set by Drax for the game.

3. Where do Bond and Drax go after they discuss clearing the launch site when the rocket is launched?
(a) To the security headquarters.
(b) To dinner.
(c) To see Moonraker.
(d) To Drax's office.

4. What does James Bond expect Drax to do when Bond deals an excellent hand using his own deck of cards?
(a) Become suspicious.
(b) Complain to the club chairman.
(c) Make a high bet.
(d) Cheat.

5. What does Drax show Bond on a large map?
(a) The places where parts for Moonraker are manufactured.
(b) The rocket's flight plan.
(c) The columbite mining locations.
(d) Other locations where he intends to set up Moonraker facilities.

Short Answer Questions

1. What method does Drax use to tell his workers apart?

2. Where did Hugo Drax start his business?

3. What does Bond warn Basildon, the chairman of Blades, that he may have to do while playing cards with Drax?

4. Who is Bond's first contact before he goes to the Moonraker facility?

5. What is the profession of the person with whom Drax regularly plays cards?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain how Hugo Drax acquired his identity during World War II.

2. Explain the presence of Gala Brand.

3. Why does Drax's identity and life arouse suspicion?

4. What does Bond learn about how the Moonraker rocket works from Professor Train, a physicist working on the rocket?

5. What is Bond's attitude about his new assignment and Drax?

6. What does Bond wonder about the German engineers he is introduced to who then follow Drax away?

7. What does Bond find odd about the outward appearance of the German engineers who follow Drax away?

8. Why does the author focus more on character than on plot in Chapters 6 and 7?

9. Explain how Bond beats Drax at cards after Bond signals M.

10. What do we learn about James Bond based on his feelings about his shooting lesson results?

(see the answer keys)

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