Montana Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Montana Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the man standing over Lily wish he could do?
(a) Take Lily with him.
(b) Kill Lily.
(c) Find Jesse.
(d) Stay and be a hero.

2. What surprises Tess at Lily's bridal shower?
(a) That Lily starts crying.
(b) That Willa and Louella hit it off so well.
(c) That Willa and Lily's mother hit it off so well.
(d) That her mother arrives.

3. How does Willa liken the animal heads on the ranch walls to herself?
(a) She feels silenced.
(b) She has endured being shot at.
(c) She feels as though she is one of her father's trophies.
(d) She is hunted.

4. What do Adam and Ben do after Lily is forced to leave with Jesse?
(a) Call the highway patrol.
(b) Gather help and start tracking them.
(c) Call the sheriff.
(d) Go home to get a few rifles.

5. What do the three sisters do with the trophies?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Use them for target practice.
(c) Burn them.
(d) Push them down the stairs.

6. Who did Lily think she saw in Bozeman?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Jesse's brother.
(c) A friend from high school.
(d) Jesse's best friend.

7. Who wins the fight?
(a) No one.
(b) Lily, who intervenes.
(c) Willa.
(d) Tess.

8. What shakes up Willa while talking with Ben?
(a) Ben announces that he plans to sell his ranch.
(b) She hears Tess screaming.
(c) The thought that the killer could be one of their hired hands.
(d) Ben announces that he is engaged.

9. Why is Jesse really angry?
(a) The rifle scope is inaccurate.
(b) The bloody rags were found.
(c) A girl he tried to kidnap escapes.
(d) Lily has not shown her face anywhere that Jesse could grab her.

10. Who hosts a dinner party?
(a) Willa.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Lily.
(d) Tess.

11. What does Willa confess to Ham?
(a) She tried to make him come inside because she was worried about the heat.
(b) She does not love Ben.
(c) She does not think Jack is her father.
(d) She is scared to run the ranch without him.

12. How are the ranch hands faring?
(a) They are content to stay out of the way and do their jobs cheerfully.
(b) They resent being in a dangerous situation.
(c) They are unaffected by the tense atmosphere.
(d) They are barely speaking as they do their chores.

13. Where does Jesse take Lily?
(a) A clearing where there is a helicopter.
(b) A cave.
(c) To another 4-wheel drive vehicle.
(d) A mountaintop.

14. Why does Ham ask for his check so he can quit?
(a) Because Willa embarrasses him.
(b) Because his wife needs an operation.
(c) Because his daughter needs an operation.
(d) Because he is getting too old for cowboy work.

15. Over what did the sisters bond while at the spa?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Discussing Lily's wedding plans.
(c) Discussing the upcoming roundup.
(d) Discussing beauty treatments and men.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Nate anger Tess?

2. How does Tess offer a challenge to Willa indirectly?

3. What happens to Adam on the way to the cabin?

4. Why does Jesse go after Lily?

5. How does Lily say she was able to endure her kidnapping?

(see the answer keys)

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