Monster Test | Final Test - Medium

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Monster Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Mr. Nesbitt's gun registered?
(a) August, 1989.
(b) Never. It was illegal.
(c) August, 1999.
(d) August, 1995.

2. How does the screenplay describe the last image of Steve just after his verdict is read?
(a) Color.
(b) Black and white, grainy.
(c) Cartoon.
(d) Technicolor.

3. What time do visiting hours start on Sundays?
(a) 1 P.M.
(b) 9 A.M.
(c) 4 P.M.
(d) 10 A.M.

4. What card game does Steve play in his cell after church on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Bid whist.
(b) Poker.
(c) Hearts.
(d) Blackjack.

5. Why does Moore say she was not working the day Bobo came to see her?
(a) She had been laid off.
(b) She had hurt her ankle.
(c) She was using a vacation day.
(d) She had quit her job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Petrocelli say about Bobo's attire when he comes into the courtroom to testify?

2. What is Bobo wearing when he comes into the courtroom to testify?

3. To whom is Mr. Nesbitt's gun registered?

4. What is Steve's verdict?

5. When Bobo comes into the courtroom to testify and the lawyers are discussing him with the judge, what does the judge say he looks like?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Steve is made to mop the floor?

2. Why is Ms. Moore not at work the day King came to see her?

3. How do readers know what Steve's verdict is, based on the screenplay?

4. How does the medical examiner say Mr. Nesbitt died?

5. Who is Eddie, and what is he accused of?

6. What does O'Brien say about Petrocelli's bringing the crime scene photos out again just before the long weekend recess?

7. How do Steve's parents act when they come to visit on Sunday the 12th?

8. How is the visual image of the courtroom just before Steve's verdict is read represented?

9. What does Henry mean in the pretrial questioning when she says she is having trouble testifying that King was involved in the crime?

10. What is Sunset's verdict and sentence?

(see the answer keys)

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